Temporary thread for full game runs
2 years ago

We could use a thread for posting runs until the mod situation is cleared up.

Got a 8:51 run for V0.8. Tried to optimize the route with energy drinks and dash shoes but it's still a messy run. Guessing 7:30 should be easily possible.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Dylenoyer94 likes this
Washington, USA

Nice run! I haven't done a fullgame run using the energy drinks yet but I have been using them to get new PBs on individual levels though. I love some friendly competition, I might try to get a new PB myself!

Also I agree, we should just post in the forums until the mod situation is resolved.

Davdus likes this
Washington, USA

Got a new PB myself thanks to you! Interesting idea changing shoes mid game, and use of the energy drinks, then short-cuts as well, I'm posting my run but I had some big slip-ups at the end of the run so a sub 8 is absolutely possible, wonder who will get there first!

Davdus likes this

Feels nice to have competition ^^ Got a 7:34 with one death. Took some safer strats from your run for more consistency, worked great. There's room for improvement with dash usage and cleaner movement in general. There are also some energy drinks that I am not sure about, only time will tell.

Your turn Dylenoyer :P

Dylenoyer94 likes this
Washington, USA

Again great run! I will be doing attempts later today, hopefully we can take this game to sub 7, I believe it's possible :)

Davdus likes this

Yeah sub 7 is definitely possible no questions asked. Got a 7:27 with one really costly death and a lot of mistakes. Got a 8:10 a couple attempts before with 3 costly deaths.

Got a couple new strats that save a couple seconds. Also getting better with dashes. But god damn I'm starting to reset a lot. Gotta force myself to make more no reset runs.

Dylenoyer94 likes this
Washington, USA

Great run btw! I need to do more no reset runs myself, since you'll always have more early game experience compared to late game experience, my goal is sub 7 no deaths, like you said I believe it's very possible without any changes to the route but new changes could mean taking the time even lower.


6:47 full game run, mostly thanks to the new clips you guys found. Had some brain farts inbetween and a quick death, otherwise an alright run I think.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

I'm not really sure how relevant it is, but I do have a 7:33 run that's been pending for 4 months on 0.6 Any%.


Dylenoyer94 and Davdus like this

Nice! Yeah there are probably a huge amount of submitted runs that are not on the leaderboard rn. Got a 6:00 run a while back on V0.6 too.

Dylenoyer94 likes this
Washington, USA


Congrats on the new PB and getting the first sub 7 minute run, that's cool to see! I wasn't sure if that was even possible two weeks ago, the game has changed so much since then.

Washington, USA


It's unfortunate that's you've had a pending run for so long, so that run would be viable for v0.8 since the shoes came in that version and it seriously changes the game, also the earlier versions had less levels but I'd say it would still be viable for the v0.6 leaderboard

BoxMacLeod likes this
Washington, USA

Also I'm continuing the grind but yesterday I did get a 7:32 but at that point the WR was already down to 7:27 so I wanted to put in a little more work, I also died four times in the last two levels so I wasn't too happy about that naturally even if that was great PB

Pennsylvania, USA

Yeah, I wouldn't be looking to be added to the 0.8 leaderboard obviously.

I like 0.6 myself, the new levels and mechanics are nice but I haven't tried any routing on it yet. I like the simplicity of 0.6 and might keep running it if the community winds up being active and such.

Dylenoyer94 likes this
Washington, USA

That absolutely makes sense, I hope others also get in on that category

Washington, USA

I wasn't able to beat Davdus today but here's my best attempt so far!

Davdus likes this

Very nice run! Wrote some minor timesave in the comments. Def. stealing that final level strat at the start tho, that dash is good.

@BoxMacLeod I would definitely like to compete in 0.6 aswell. What's your PB? Here's my 6:00 time.

Dylenoyer94 likes this
Washington, USA

I saw the 6min time before seeing the version, my heart almost skipped a beat!

Davdus likes this
Pennsylvania, USA


Right now it's 7:33 -- I haven't run much because I wasn't putting a ton of effort into a scene I thought might have been dead. I also haven't done any extensive research into routing or strats. Definitely thinking I can push sub 7.

Might keep running 0.6 if there's interest in that case!

Davdus likes this
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