You guys are getting a little better
4 years ago
New York, USA

I first noticed videos for this game a couple years ago when I was playing it, I wanted to see what times were out there. Found a few things on YouTube, but Google brought me here.

I’m going to be blunt, the times are pretty terrible for some things here, but there seems to be some improvement since I last checked around November 2019.

I don’t have any means of making videos, but I could post some of my times here. Is there a way to post images from my phone directly? I’d rather not have to type things.

I never use either of the super ATVs because they don’t save times in the actual game so individual track times won’t seem as good when compared to that, but when compared to anything on here that doesn’t use those all of my times are better, some significantly.

I was also curious about how you do championship runs. Since you are using the in-game time why don’t people restart a race when they’re doing poorly? Would switching ATVs between races be allowed?

New York, USA

In regards to championships you are allowed to restart the first race as many times as you want however if you restart any race beyond the first one you have to add whatever time you were at when you restarted to your total as they have to be done in one continuous run. Changing ATVs is allowed between races in a championship.

In regards to posting pictures I believe that is allowed although I would message NuMetalz to confirm. We also have a discord server where you can ask questions and give or receive feedback on runs.

St. Louis, MO, USA
  1. I’ll say we’ve had photo submissions before and it’s only ruffled feathers of some of the runners on other ATV leaderboards. I’m not personally against them. And videos don’t have to be capture card quality if you still want to film lap times. As long as I can read the the timer in the video, it’s all good with me.

  2. many of the times posted (at least by me) we’re sort of a placeholder/sloppy copy and I think the same goes fo ccollins. Usually we just pick out a few tracks and run them to the ground.

3)I’d love to see your times. This leaderboard (and all the ATVOF boards) are really young, and currently we are more focused about letting people know we have a leaderboard to join and hang out with our growing community than actually running the times into the ground like we did for prospect springs.

  1. As Collins mentioned, you can restart in a championship, it’s totally allowed, but the in-game time from the point you restarted adds into the time of the completed race. If we allowed championship runs without restart penalty, there really would be no reason of running the championships lol.

  2. Changing ATVs is all cool in championship runs.

New York, USA

I wasn’t really interested in being placed on the leaderboard, I more just wanted to compel you guys to try and beat my times.

I kind of had figured exactly what you said about just putting runs up to have something there.

My favorite types of races are the Enduro, which it seems like you guys are not fans of because there’s not much there for the videos. At least nothing new for the championships. I’m more interested in those because like I had said earlier, I don’t like the super ATVs at all so the championship mode is at least on the same level as I usually play.

Speaking of which, why do you have the individual races for Enduro set to 5 laps? I could’ve sworn it was set to be a 3 lap race when I checked here last fall or whenever. 3 laps is obviously what the game gives you and also what it keeps track of for its own records so I’ve always considered that standard, and then 5 laps for the other race types.

Anyway, you guys should do some Enduro championships to get some recent videos up for that. In the meantime I think I have something saved on my phone where I did speed runs the way you guys do, just adding up the times of each race and getting a total. I also never retried or switched ATVs or anything because I assumed you couldn’t do that. I’ll see if I can copy it to here. I put the times for each race as well as my best times for a possible best.

I was going to perhaps just take a picture of my TV screen on the Hall of Fame to show some records but if there’s no way to post pictures directly here then that’s out.

Also Collins you seem like you really know what you’re doing based on a couple of the nationals championships I watched!

New York, USA

I’m doing this from my phone so let me know if these columns lineup for you guys.

Assuming they do, these are championship times for both normal and expert for each race mode. The tracks just go in order obviously, so Prospect Springs, Tioga Valley, Arlington Stream, etc. I’m sure we all know the names by this point. Except for the Supercross. For the life of me I still can’t remember any of the specific names and attach them to a race number for those lol.

The first row going down are the times for the speed run on Normal with the total time at the bottom, then next to it is what I have for a personal best in the Hall of Fame to show potential, the third column is for Expert mode and the fourth column is the same as the second but just include the additional race added on.

I did this probably in November of last year, so a few of the times in the 2nd/4th column might not be up to date. Also I know at least one of the Expert runs I actually set a new record during the speed run and didn’t go back and adjust it in the second column.

Amateur Nationals 1:35.46 1:35.22 1:36.76 1:35.22 2:26.00 2:25.26 2:26.27 2:25.26 4:59.47 4:55.78 4:58.12 4:55.78 6:16.01 6:15.92 6:14:88 6:14.88 4:58.74 4:58.29 5:01.54 4:58.29 20:15.68 20:10.47 8:14.23 8:10.25 28:31.80 28:19.68 Amateur Super Cross 3:34.30 3:32.42 3:33.68 3:32.42 3:11.77 3:07.29 3:10.37 3:07.29 4:51.81 4:41.61 4:49.24 4:41.61 4:06.76 4:01.46 4:03.65 4:01.46 4:18.62 4:12.66 4:15.89 4:12.66 4:16.59 4:13.52 4:15.15 4:13.52 24:19.85 23:48.96 4:16.40 4:07.62 28:24.38 27:56.58 Amateur Enduro 3:09.03 3:06.48 3:07.45 3:06.48 3:54.69 3:53.98 3:53.96 3:53.96 3:46.35 3:43.16 3:44.52 3:43.16 4:37.03 4:37.03 4:38.11 4:37.03 5:15.10 5:08.68 5:17.02 5:08.68 20:42.20 20:29.33 4:49.55 4:46.59 25:30.61 25:15.90 Pro Nationals 3:33.95 3:30.59 3:34.27 3:30.59 5:41.79 5:38.72 5:40.60 5:38.72 6:31.64 6:24.17 6:32.74 6:24.17 11:27.63 11:09.93 11:25.57 11.09.93 7:29.80 7:17.77 7:26.17 7:17.77 9:38.36 9:36.75 9:38.29 9:36.75 44:23.17 43:37.93 11:08.05 11:06.59 55:25.69 54:44.52 Pro Super Cross 4:19.67 4:10.08 4:11.40 4:10.08 5:18.66 5:05.47 5:11.85 5:05.47 4:24.27 4:22.34 4:26.75 4:22.34 3:58.74 3:53.59 3:59.35 3:53.59 3:54.52 3:40.06 3:52.51 3:40.06 4:47.07 4:32.78 4:39.45 4:32.78 26:42.93 25:44.32 4:59.89 4:51.04 31:21.20 30:35.36 Pro Enduro 5:41.78 5:37.81 5:41.26 5:37.81 9:05.21 8:53.81 8:55.87 8:53.81 5:17.29 5:11.84 5:15.13 5:11.84 5:54.74 5:45.24 5:49.77 5:45.24 9:13.53 9:13.53 9:13.75 9:13.53 35:12.55 34:45.53 9:36.94 8:58.02 44:32.72 43:43.55

New York, USA

Shit, the spacing between everything is not copying over. I noticed there’s a way to edit my post but it’s not shown that way when I’m typing on it, it changes when I post it.

I just tried editing it again so I’ll just edit this post instead because I can’t seem to get what I want. Before I post the message it shows everything spaced out evenly in rows and line breaks between groups as well, I don’t know why everything is getting scrunched down with no line breaks between and only a single space between each set of numbers. The very bottom large numbers are supposed to be underneath the third and fourth column as well but they’re being pushed all the way to the front.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
New York, USA

Yes I mentioned it in the discord that if I had to bet on it a lot of your better times would probably be in the enduro category. For some reason I don't get as much enjoyment out of the enduro tracks in this game which is weird considering enduro is my specialty in ATV1. I'm sure I could get some major improvements if I took the time to grind them but realistically I don't have the motivation to without some decent competition. To answer your question about Enduro being 5 laps for ILs there are 2 reasons for it.

  1. We honestly forgot that enduro was set to 3 laps by default considering it's 5 laps in ATV1.
  2. Considering all the Nationals and Supercross were 5 laps it was best for consistency purposes to make enduro 5 laps as well.

I planned on doing some Enduro championship runs coming up but I got a little sidetracked cuz I ran a bunch of ATV1 and started breaking in to the MX vs ATV series. I'll definitely come back to it at some point.

Also, I know you don't use the super ATVs cuz the times don't save but you should check out some of the times we've set with them and see how close you get. I know the 16.85 Prospect Springs lap is incredibly fast as is the time for the full race. Tioga Valley and Amherst are really fast too. I also hope that Caribou Peak is up there as I feel it's my best track but haven't had any true competition to compare it to.

I got a few questions about some things that stand out to me about some of your times. Not questioning the legitimacy just wondering about some improvements. For your 4:55 Arlington Stream, 4:58 Freeport Harbor, and 8:10 Caribou Peak, what ATV and setup did you use? I know on Arlington at least I tend to use the Nac's but have only got a sub 1 minute lap once and tend to average in the high 1:00 to low 1:01 per lap with it.

Like I said you could always join our discord even if it is just to lurk to see our thoughts about stuff here and goals we set. Plus if you ever do decide to officially submit for records you are already in the discord server for it.

PS. Thanks. I really hope that I would know what I'm doing. Lol. This was the first game I truly put a lot of time into when I was young so I guess you could call this a piece of my childhood.

St. Louis, MO, USA

Thanks for sharing!

The way your post looks for me looks fine, I’m just assuming each row is each track respectively.

Also the only reason enduro is 5 laps is because everything else is 5 laps. It just keeps the IL leaderboard from having to be split.

St. Louis, MO, USA

Also, I think you’d really enjoy our discord.

Even if you aren’t speedruning it’s a cool place we’re making where we are housing a lot of old motocross type games!

New York, USA

I don’t even know what discord is guys lol.

And this is the only game even remotely like this that I play. I’ve played the first one to completion but after playing this one so much I don’t enjoy it anymore. I tried playing the third game once and I hated it. It’s just completely different. I own the fourth game as well but I’ve never even put it in. I tend to play mostly action games and a little bit of RPGs (but not much).

There are a few racing games I’ve played over the years that I like, this being one of them, but it’s not my thing really. Actually, the only reason I even bought it back when it first came out is because I saw my brother playing it and was making fun of him for playing a game like this instead of something like devil may cry or Final Fantasy, but then I saw it had an ATV in it that I had always wanted when I was younger so I started playing the game lmao. I actually grew up riding these things, but never anything close to a racing machine.

The reason I had to buy my own copy was because the one he had was actually a bunk copy. It played all glitchy and we always thought that the game was just really shitty and it was supposed to be like that. It would play really choppy, freeze, all sorts of stupid stuff. Then one time it froze well it was auto saving. Do you know how it says don’t touch memory cards, etc. while saving? Yeah you kind of don’t have a choice when it freezes on that screen, and of course turning the system off corrupted the data on the memory card. But you know what, I was enjoying the game still. So I went out sometime later and bought a greatest hits copy of the game and it was literally a world of difference. Like you can’t even imagine how poorly the glitch copy ran and how much I really enjoyed playing the game how it was supposed to be. Then randomly a few years ago I put it in and pretty much played it all summer, for the first time in 15 years since originally buying it. Most of my times were set then, and even now I have no idea how I played so well back then. I think playing on a CRT TV might have helped.


Really kind of bummed about the 5 laps Enduro thing, since I only play default settings so the game saves any high scores or times. Can’t compare anything besides lap times. Would you consider doing something like a Hall of Fame leaderboard, basically grinding out individual tracks but without the super ATVs?

Is the Nac’s pretty much considered the best all around bike? It seems that’s what everyone uses. Does anyone ever use anything else for anything? My best lap time Prospect Springs amateur nationals is actually with the Trenga. Speaking of which, you are correct that the time there on the leaderboard is pretty insane. I think I took about a second longer trying to do it with the B6000 a few years ago, which is a huge difference on such a short track.

New York, USA

Oh, do you guys do any freestyle stuff? I’m not particularly fond of it, but I am proud of my single jump record, which is 8 combo 84,000ish points. Not done on freestyle mode though, during just a race.

New York, USA

Discord is kind of just a chatroom for gamers kind of lol.

Before you commented this I actually brought up the idea of setting up a separate tab for times set without the ORT or B6000. Not sure if we will do it or not but it's definitely an idea.

The Nac had been considered the best for awhile but I have done some testing recently and found that on some tracks there are better options. For example, I feel the best ATVs to use for each Amateur Nationals tracks are as follows

Prospect: Trenga Tioga: Trenga Arlington: Nac's Rockbridge: Trenga Freeport: Nac's

But that is just from recent testing. I still may find better alternatives as this is really the first time one of us has branched off of the Nac's. How do you usually set your ATVs? I know we usually them to Tight handling and Hard suspension. I'll tune the top speed vs acceleration based of the ATV I'm using.

New York, USA

As for freestyle, even when I was younger I never really delved into it so it's pretty dormant.

New York, USA

Also. I actually just thought of this. Do you play on NTSC or on PAL

St. Louis, MO, USA

We do have a board for freestyle, but nothing for point totals because doesn't support those kinds of leaderboards.

New York, USA

“Before you commented this I actually brought up the idea of setting up a separate tab for times set without the ORT or B6000. Not sure if we will do it or not but it's definitely an idea.”

You should. I mean think about if you have a Championship run and do a track really well either on total time or lap time it would be nice to have that somewhere. For example, if you did ridiculously good on Rockbridge but then wrecked 4 times on Freeport the run would be lost, but what you did accomplished on Rockbridge should be saved and tracked, learned from, etc, it shouldn’t just be discarded because the run as a whole was poor.

Re: switching Honestly I wouldn’t bother switching just because at best you’re going to save a couple of seconds, but with the garbage load times it would be a hard pass for me. What’s more important than anything is consistency if you’re trying to do a whole championship from start to finish with no restarts or whatever. Until that’s locked down switching bikes to save a couple seconds seems kind of silly.

As for the tuning thing, I thought it was pretty obvious even back when I first played the game that it didn’t do anything. But yeah... that doesn’t do anything lol. I guess the placebo effect is strong with that one lmao. Like I said, I thought it was pretty obvious, but you can see for yourself if you tweak everything to one extreme then go to a track for a couple races and then tweak everything to the other extreme and see if there’s a difference. There isn’t.

Btw I live in NY, I play the NA version.

New York, USA

Watched your recent run just now Collins, good stuff man!

Metalz your last post got me thinking of stuff I want to say but I’ll wait, need to think first so I can get it all out the right way. It’ll probably be a long story-ish post.

New York, USA

I definitely don’t think that tuning the ATVs is a placebo effect. Just as a quick example my 16.86 lap on Prospect was set with a B6000 tuned to max acceleration. I have never gotten a sub 17 with it set to max Top Speed.

However, I do have a way to test this. At least for top speed and acceleration. I have a spreadsheet where I raced every ATV in the game in a straight line, kind of like a drag strip and documented their times, time from 0-50, their top speed, and how long it took to reach their top speed. I can run the tests again with tuning set to top speed to see how much it differs. All I know is in ATV1 the tuning does make a BIG difference so it would be weird to me that they would change that.

New York, USA

I’d be interested in seeing that spreadsheet. I’ve done mostly the same thing, but it’s hard to get accurate results just observing. Also pretty much everything (of the racing ATVs) has the same top speed (68), except Nacs is one higher(69) and the Alba is two lower(66).

But what’s more important is what I call the “effective top speed“ which is what you are going to reach on certain stretches on most of the races. The actual top speed requires down hill, or unreasonable stretches that just don’t exist except on a few spots.

Tuning definitely does a lot in the first game. So much that it makes it kind of hard to tell what the best set up is. But I remember when I first played this game my cousin and I took the same ATV and one of us tuned all the way to acceleration and the other put it all the way to top speed, and we lined up side-by-side, paused the game and each held down the acceleration button and were literally right next to each other the whole. So unless it disables the feature for multiplayer, which wouldn’t make sense, I know for a fact at least the acceleration and top speed do not work.

I don’t think they did it on purpose, it’s just a function of the game that was poorly programmed it looks like. But I have also tested at least a little bit playing single player and I’m convinced none of them do anything. I mean hell, the stats as a whole for the ATVs (Engine, Traction, Suspension) don’t even seem to line up in a way that means anything, except when they’re egregious like Alba’s traction.

Edit: The tuning could be glitched for only particular ATVs, so maybe that’s why I didn’t do anything when I messed with it. I just leave everything neutral since then, so it’s possible it works but just not in my instance.

As for your spreadsheet, I definitely would love to see that. I think a 0-60 Time would be a better gauge though than 0-50. Going back to the effective top speed I mentioned, some don’t even get to 60 but they would seem good on a 0-50 scale. Sparks is good example. Best grip and good power but just isn’t fast enough. Shame because it feels great to drive.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
New York, USA

Here is the link to the results of some testing I did. It was done at the start of lap attack on amherst. Timing was stopped on the first frame each ATV hit the toughblock at the end. All ATVs were tuned to max acceleration, tightest handling, and hardest suspension. I might run these tests again with max top speed instead.

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New exploit found!

Runners! I have been alerted to an exploit via someone in my YouTube comments.

What we know so far is as follows. Any ATV accelerating on "slippery" or "sticky" surfaces (like grass, mud, sand, ice, snow, and probably more I'm forgetting) can be further accelerated by rapidly pressing the brake b

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