Combo lock help
5 years ago

Hello all! I'm new here (to speedrunning in general), and was wondering if anyone might have some pointers on the best way to enter numbers for the locks. I'm using wasd but I keep overshooting because of how "floaty" it is.

I have SO many other questions (I'm blown away by the precision in everyone's runs), but I'll keep it to this one for now heh.

United States

i use wasd for inputting the combos as well. for both locks you are able to tell what the code is before hand. if you have issues with this or are confused then i can further explain. i would personally note that really fast lock speed is something i would focus more on after getting a hang of the run as it will only save an overall few seconds.

anyways since i already know what combo i am going to be inputting, i basically memorized the correct inputs for each key.

for example for the first lock, it can either be 485, 854, or 548. as a side note i use the mouse to switch digits for the first combo.

so the combo always starts on 173.

if i determine that the key is 854, i would press 's' 3 times, 1 -> 0 -> 9 -> 8 (each arrow indicates a key press) i move my cursor to the second digit and hit 's' 2 times, 7 -> 6 -> 5 i move my cursor to the third digit and hit 'w' 1 time 3 -> 4

each other combo has a corresponding input pattern. (wwww sss wwwww for 548 for example)

note that if you are running while you click on the lock and are still holding 'w', it will trigger a 'w' movement on it. this happens in all my runs. so for any combo that starts with an 's', i will have to hit it an extra time. the time loss is pretty much negligible though.

once you play and practice enough you can do this at a really rapid fire pace. as long as your cursor is on the digit the game should recognize the button input. you have to make sure the dial actually changes though.

the second combo lock is similar except i dont use my mouse to change digits. but i still have each key memorized and input its respective pattern.

again this is something that isnt the biggest deal when running early. i would focus on getting the route down and memorizing it.

if you have any other questions feel free to ask or hit me up.

good luck!

KaweedFul likes this
Aquitaine, France

And you can determine the code of the 1st lock by looking at the order of the paintings on the wall, from left to right; the man in the hat is 4, the baby is 5, and the other one is 8. So the fastest one using Lanzaa's method is 485, then 854, and 548 is too slow

Good luck on your runs

United States

yup to everything kaweed said. i mostly pay attention to the man in the hat since it is the most visually distinct (for me). really you only need to know one of them. hat pic as kaweed said is 4. so if if the man in the hat painting is in the middle, then 4 is in the middle, aka the code is 548.

485 is the fastest code because it requires the least inputs. going back to my strategy of unlocking, as i click on the lock i get an automatic 'w' movement since i was holding it. 1 -> 2 w twice 2 -> 3 -> 4 w once 7 -> 8 w twice 3 -> 4 -> 5

note that i dont reset just because the code is unoptimal. at the absolute fastest, getting a 548 vs a 485 is less than a second difference id say.

Oh wow thanks you guys! This is actually really helpful. I've been debating whether or not its worth just memorizing the combination possibilities, but didnt realize the paintings are only ever in three arrangements. Not that memorizing six arrangements is much worse, but yeah.

Also i think mapping the image order to keypresses is going to be best. So far in my head i go from all three images -> numbers -> move combo lock, but would probably be much better to think of it as single image -> move combo lock. Converting to numbers is still good to know as a way to quickly sanity check what im entering though. Lol I feel like some great secret has been revealed!

And yeah the baby and the stabbing(?) painting are very similar colors. Makes me second guess myself.

As for working on the overall run, I had been doing it with exiting to the menu, but I saw here that's not allowed for submissions (aw rats!), but my time was ~35 min on average, so prob closer to 40 without exiting? I've def got my work cut out for me, but I think getting details like this nice and solid is going to increase my confidence and help overall. Thank you again for so much great info!

United States

before i realized the paintings dictated the combination i actually just had them all memorized and would brute force it hoping i got it right on the first or second code lol. i would reset if it was the third code.

since ive played the game hundreds of times and have it memorized, i only need to know where the 4 digit is to get the rest. its mostly muscle memory at this point honestly.

yeah we had a pretty brief discussion about quitting out. its certainly faster but for the sake of keeping everything relatively fair its probably best to not have it allowed. your time will certainly get lower as you get more consistent with it. my first run was 33:50 and remember thinking to myself wow its going to be tough to lower that. and here we are lol.

best of luck.

Aquitaine, France

"My first run was 33:50" PogChamp

lanzaa likes this
United States

lol well to be fair my first submitted run. looking at it, my first actual full run was nearly 35 minutes. once you get the route down the time really shaves off

United States

Has anyone checked to see if the order of the paintings affect if you get Rat, Cat, or Dog later in the run? Sorry for the necromancy.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Sylynn likes this
Aquitaine, France

Ooooh interesting, I never thought about that possibility! We should definitely check this out

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Playful1510 likes this
British Columbia, Canada
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

Looks like a job for me. I am gonna make a spreadsheet with outcomes of first 30 runs on the leader board.

United States

i think i did look at this when running the game but dont believe i found any correlation.

Playful1510 likes this
British Columbia, Canada
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

It is random

Took top 20 runs(top 20 available runs)

Edited by the author 4 years ago
United States

Damn, oh well. Thanks for trying!

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