Proposal: Low% category
4 years ago
United States

I've got a couple proposals for new categories. This is the first, low% runs.

A Low% run is very similar to Any%, with just the following two rules added:

  • You can't complete any bonus games.
  • You can't collect any of the 15 golden bricks from the overworld, even unintentionally (such as the one in the Mars shortcut).

Because of the first rule, you don't get the speed boost from the taxi game, which makes winning the races more difficult - I've had to restart certain races because the opponent(s) just break away.

Because of the second rule, you can't go to Arctic immediately after Dino Island, and Mars is just that little bit farther away. It also makes the Mars waterfall shortcut a little more tense, having something right there that can end the run if you just take the shortcut a little too wide. (It's easy enough to avoid, though; I've managed to dodge it in every run so far.)

My time for the run is 1:25.05. You can watch here.

WiiSuper likes this

I think it is an interesting idea, however wouldn't this essentially just be a suboptimal any% route? I know back in the day people didn't do the taxi mini game at the start, not sure about early Arctic.

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