Elo - please add a change-log, or announcements for site updates
3 years ago

Following the thread by Ero about not being able to create guides for games: There should be a notice for big site updates that change functionality in any way. I'm not talking about plans for future updates, but changes you already uploaded to the site - things like this guides permission update, the older update that limited forum posts at 1000 characters, and so on.

We - the runners, game moderators, and general users - need to know about the existence of those updates; not discover them by accident, and then thinking there are new bugs on the site.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Oh_my_gourdness, MasterOfMike and 14 others like this

Guys, stop bullying elo. They're too busy programming to take <5 mins to communicate in any way. Was it not enough for you when they hired a couple people to occasionally defend their higher-ups from criticism?

YUMmy_Bacon5, Racoonix and 2 others like this
French Southern Territories

a very major bug

i agree that there needs to be a changelog for the silent updates

YUMmy_Bacon5, O.D.W. and 2 others like this
European Union

This is especially important for API changes, as there have been cases recently of peoples tools breaking unexpectedly due to unannounced changes (or so I've heard)

O.D.W., Quivico, and Merl_ like this

[quote=Komrade] They're too busy programming to take <5 mins to communicate in any way. Was it not enough for you when they hired a couple people to occasionally defend their higher-ups from criticism? [/quote]

I would argue with this but this is not the thread to do it in.

United States

It's Komrade

It's sarcasm

Brakshow, MrMonsh and 2 others like this

Ah my bad, never heard of him before.

United States

There's even an entire News section of the site that hasn't been used for anything important in months that would be great for this purpose.

While hunting for bugs/changes in video games is fun, its significantly less fun to do that on a website w/o knowledge anything has changed.

United States

Yeah, most game companies big and small alike use their news section for patch notes. It'd honestly be a good idea to start putting them there.

Nobody likes stealth updates


And instead of pushing updates on the live server they could do weekly or bi-weekly updates. So it's at least more obvious if some change is intended or if people should report it as a bug. Would save time [enter image of a gold split here] for everyone.

WhenGryphonsFly, O.D.W., and Merl_ like this

look these moderation tools that are supposedly coming better be good because I've been hearing about them for months and every time someone complains about a new update/the elo team someone mentions them as if it excuses it

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
French Southern Territories

The mod tools will absolutely be good when they come out, some of the features have been requested for years. The problem is some people are unsure if they will ever come out because of how long it's taking.