Category Suggestions
8 years ago
New Jersey, USA

Title says it all. You can meme a bit here but try to be at least somewhat serious.

New York, USA

dirty hacker ending% pls


Neutral, TPE and Genocide categories, but music and sprite modifications are allowed

OmegaFallon likes this
New York, USA

The only difference there would be that you don't do early pan, which most people can't get anyways.

OmegaFallon likes this
Texas, USA

How about in GDQ%, to have subcategories for TPE, Neutral, and Genocide, as they may all be run in GDQs at some point?

New Jersey, USA

I intended to do that, thanks for reminding me.


Low% Genocide

Rules: -Must Pick Up No Items (Your Inventory must be empty at all times and you can only use stick and bandage)

Granolant likes this
New Jersey, USA

do a run of it


umm sure thing...


but i suck at sans ;-;

New Jersey, USA

good luck then lol

United States

i have a run similar to this except Low% would also mean no saving.

New Jersey, USA

Do you have a video? DM it to me on Discord if so.

United States

76 endings pls, you know the drill

Edited by the author 8 years ago

uhhh no, that will be a non-meme category soon :P