What if there were ILs for the advancements? They would be nice easy and short categories for beginners (such as myself).
It would be great if you gave me a nore descriptive answer than just "no".
Some of the advancements are already in the category extensions like the hidden ones: arbalistic and how did we get here?. Maybe some other advancements might be good to route, but the majority are not. I think in the discord there is some category extensions extensions thing with some of the other advancements though.
I've seen the ones on the category extensions. I may have an idea though. What if the advancements were ILs on the category extensions board? Some of the category extensions are only a few seconds long anyway. The achievements could also have ILs.
(1.6.4-1.15.2 & 1.16.5-1.21.4) Atum 1.3.1: Shows starting difficulty in F3 in 1.16.5+, removes formatting sequences in hotkey names in 1.7-1.8.9 (will reset hotkeys), ports to 1.13(.0) and 1.20.1
(1.17-1.21.4) Planfolia 1.2.0: Cleans up Sodium debug text, port to