RNG Manipulation and Scrap Mechanic Speedrunning - Poll
2 years ago

we have an important topic to discuss - What is your stance on RNG manipulation in SM speedruns?

RNG manipulation = doing certain actions to influence the randomness of various things, such as changing the time on your PC or playing the game a certain way

altering the game files to make the odds better does NOT fall under 'RNG Manipulation' here

Here is a poll about this: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1D-APD38B9dHLrFCVO9qmQAn9XRhXHUvhLWnUkxIoxAE

There is also a discussion thread about this in the Discord server: https://discord.gg/z6z6DDCTZC

Hong Kong

I would say it's fair, a lot of games allows this anyway, plus it's make it more competitive in some aspects, and can take more skill instead just praying for the rng to work in your favor.

redsti likes this

It is something everyone can do and does not modify the game in any way so seams good to me.