Request Thread
5 years ago
California, USA

This thread is for suggesting new subcategories for existing boards, reporting runs that are against the rules, or anything that fits the sort.

This is not to be confused with requesting categories. Please put your run in the “Category requesting” leaderboard, and we will act accordingly if it is accepted or rejected.

All future forum posts forward from this one requesting something will be locked, removed, or simply ignored.

Thank you.

Penguin likes this
Riverside, CA, USA

I think this is where I'm supposed to post subcategory suggestions? Not sure, but if it isn't you can delete it so all good. For two subcategories that I want to suggest are for UHC Champions. Rushing certain extra ultimates could be quite interesting, Specifically Anduril and Tablets of Destiny. Anduril is pretty common to rush and competing to see who can rush (And win with it) faster would be interesting. Tablets is a somewhat rarer extra ultimate but it's very powerful, with a team it can take in between 10 - 20 minutes to rush. I'm suggesting these for solo though because I feel the person should have to win with (For Anduril) Using Anduril as a duel wield or as there main sword for the whole game. And for (Tablets) Having them keep it on there main sword or dual wield as well for the whole game. And running for these should require a win, for an added level of difficulty. Thoughts?

Raleigh, NC, USA

So would you suggest win a game using only Andúril, Win a game while duel weilding with Andúril, or just crafting Andúril. I like the idea for a run including Andúril with how versatile it is while still leaving a challenge.

Also how would you feel about getting max bloodlust as a run?

AcidViper likes this
Riverside, CA, USA

Either the first or second option. Also, a max bloodlust run sounds great!

Penguin likes this
North Brabant, Netherlands

Ban stats pages as proof as they allow for cheating

Raleigh, NC, USA

Fixed. Top 3 Runs require video evidence (standard rule for hypixel series, just forgot to include it in UHC rules).

United States

How about some new The Bridge categories? I was thinking fastest to 1 kill, 5 kills, 10 kills, and fastest to 1-3 goal(s) for teams, and 1-5 goal(s) for solo

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Lysol55 likes this

How about a relay/marathon, like win all the classic games, excluding lobby games. or something like win all arcade games or all bedwars modes.


Lysol: Would be more of an event than a category i would say. Lilbroski: I think your idea is descent enough. You can submit it in the CE - Game Requesting if you want other mods to see it.

MinecraftGaming likes this
United States

How do I do that. It says I need a time and a video link


don't worry about the time. Just provide us a video of you doing the runs

MinecraftGaming likes this
United States

Oh ok. I will get on that asap

Personally, I think some of them could be good categories if they are done well.

Or we could make an event, because one of my favorite things to do in speedrunning is marathons/relays, and i'm sure many other people would share that sentiment in some way.

Tokyo, Japan

Not sure if it counts as a completely new category but I'm gonna post it here anyways delete if not relevant.

Speedrunning getting on the top 10 leaderboard could be a new subcategory for duels, it could be perfected if a duel is won at the right time during a leaderboard reset I guess. Just an idea to think about, not really expecting it to be made but it crosses my mind every now and then


The only issue with that is, it only depends on who is on the board, if you get a perfectly timed win to when the board resets, but its 2 hours. then thats not really a good run

Tokyo, Japan

I don't fully understand the grammar of the last post by wunderbars. However from what I could salvage, a good run would require a perfectly timed win and/or bad players on the leaderboard to reach 10th place. I did think of that but alot of other categories are heavily rng so I thought it might fit in... maybe we could do a win streak category instead of reaching daily leaderboard status, that way it wouldn't have to be perfectly timed/extremely lucky to get a decent run.

Tokyo, Japan

5/10/20 consecutive wins could be done and speedrunning it sounds possible... gonna do a demo run of 5 wins in a bit

Edited by the author 4 years ago
United Kingdom

Just unpinned and locked this thread. Please provide all ideas in the future through the #suggestions channel in the Hypixel Speedrunning Discord, thanks :D

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Amaz and Penguin like this
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