Run with mistake.
1 year ago

Why is this run's Sub-category is Any%? It hasn't used at least 1 glitch and its also in Any% Glitchless.

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
Somerset, England

It was @Zclooi who verified this, so he might of just not noticed. Although, the run does have my mod message.😳 I think I probably checked this run after @Zclooi verified it, to make sure it was correct. Runs used to be allowed in both Any% and Any% Glitchless, at the same time. So this might also be a reason. So there many be more runs like this.

But for now, I've rejected the run and have fixed the issue, thanks.


what? what does it matter?

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this

Requiring runs to have at least 1 glitch in any% is an arbitrary restriction. It is the fastest anyone has done that category. Just because it doesn't need a glitch to do that does not invalidate it.

There is only one useful glitch in that version anyways.

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
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Reverted v1.2 variable....

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