I checked the resources tab, and found save states for Everdrive and FCEUX, and pole glitch for powerpak, but was wondering if someone has some Powerpak save states for all the worlds, especially various for World 8? Thank you so much!
We're going to be making a few changes here in the upcoming days! We're going to be separating out the Full Game runs from the Mercy Rule runs. Also will be adding a category for Custom Team Leagues!
Regarding the Custom Team Leagues, do we want a requirement to play against the pre-built teams, or do we want it to be possible to play against other custom teams?
Edit: I'll get runs verified as soon as the new categories are sorted, as they will all likely go into the new categories.
Just out of curiosity, are any of the Link Sprite Hacks allowed for submitted runs? They don't change any functionality, just Link's sprite. No big reason to, just fund to play sometimes, and if one happened to PB, would be nice to submit, ya know? Thanks!