Chuckie's Glasses RNG Manipulation
Chuckie's Glasses RNG Manipulation
Uppdaterad 6 years ago av OneNamedLucas

Luckily, this level is the first split of the game.

If you reset your console and do a buffer (I do a small jump and then turn on my analog sticks) between the moment you gain control and selecting the Chuckie's Glasses level, you'll get really good RNG for both All Levels AND the Any% category.

Here's an example video:

If you don't get the RNG in that video, you might get this RNG (which is not quite as fast, but still good)

It's a rhythm, so once you get a feel for it, it should come easier and easier every time. If you don't get either, you should reset the console and try again. You must reset the console every time for this manip to work.

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