Thoughts on Separating and Transitioning to In-Game Time
6 years ago
Texas, USA

Recently I've been considering transitioning the full-game leaderboards from Real Time (RTA) to In-Game Time (IGT).

On the one hand, the in-game timer is perfectly accurate, and prioritizing IGT would remove any potential problems with loading times. So, using the IGT would seem to work perfectly fine. This would also remove the need to re-time runs afterwards.

On the other hand, the IGT becomes inaccurate if you ever die in a run, because the game doesn't give you centisecond accuracy for your time of death. However, this isn't too bad of a problem.

Along with this, switching to IGT causes problems because of Version Version has very different in-game times from Version 0.2+. The RTA is more or less identical between the two, but switching to IGT would necessitate separating from 0.2+ on the leaderboards.

So, what do you think of potentially switching to IGT?

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Pays de la Loire, France

My opinion is to keep RTA as default timing method. IGT is inaccurate unless if the run is deathless.

Texas, USA

Alrighty then, RTA will remain the default for the time being.

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