How much faster is SSD over HDD?
4 years ago
United States

I'm currently running the HD version on a HDD, but I have a spare SSD on hand, and I want to know if it's worth switching to. About how much time would I save if I did so? Does it have any noticeable effect on lag?

Victoria, Australia

Judging from the loads in your run, I don't think SSD saves a bunch of time over HDD, but from what I remember others in the community say it reduces some of the menu lag the game has. I'd also recommend you join the speedrunning discord ( for other questions you have. We'd be more then willing to help you with anything you're having trouble with.

_N1GHTMAR3_ likes this
United States

Will do, thank you for the info!

fireproofnas likes this

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Edited by the author 1 year ago
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