Freeman's Files Strat
3 years ago
North Carolina, USA

I developed a new strat for Freeman's Files, and I need to document it.

*After you kick open the door to the room with the safe, tell the electrician to "Take Cover"

*Put "541" into safe; it it's the right code, continue the run; if it's wrong, reset

*After opening the safe, and exiting the room, tell the electrician to "Follow Me" at the top of the staircase.

When you do this, the electrician will be coming out of the vent as you reach the bottom of the stairs. This way, he'll be right behind you as you tell to him "Open Door" on the doorway that leads to the switch "puzzle" room. This saves a ton of time.

I already have a PB in the Any% Hard category for this level that BETTER than my Any% time by 2 seconds using this strat. However, I don't plan to post it to the leaderboard just yet. First, I want to try to get a sub 2mins 23secs run on Any% Hard. Then, I want to improve my Any% time with this new strat. After that, I'll post them both. lol

Edited by the author 3 years ago
North Carolina, USA

So I got a sub 2min 20 secs on Any% Hard and a 2min 20secs on Any%. I just can't post them rn because my internet is being a dick. 🙄

North Carolina, USA

I got a low 2mins 17secs run on Any% last night! 😁 I can't post it rn tho because my internet died on me. 🙄 Oh well. Gives me time to get my Any% Hard time lower.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
North Carolina, USA

My internet is shot till next week. So I'm just going to continue dropping down my times till then. I got a 2min 17secs time in Any% on Freeman's Files, and a 2min 19secs in Any% Hard. Now I gotta push that Any% Hard time down further before I can post my times on the leaderboard. lol

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