New Category Idea
1 year ago
Washington, USA

If anyone has any ideas for categories for this, that would be cool.

New South Wales, Australia

Can we get a 1 star category?

AndyGames_94 and Heflito like this
United States

I've been practicing a 1 Star run, so I agree, a 1 Star Category would be great.

AndyGames_94 likes this
Down, Northern Ireland

Agreed with the above, could we get a 1 star and even a 70 star category?

As far as I'm aware 2 runs is still the requirement for a new category, so Heflito, upload your runs, cuz I'm practicing too.

Down, Northern Ireland

Where do the runs get uploaded to for a new category to be created?

Washington, USA

I am not a moderator or a creator of categories. Just asking what would be good ideas.

Just to clear that up.

AndyGames_94 likes this
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Posted 1 year ago