So recently I've devised a new category for all the endurance runners out there. I call it 100%.
Here's a breakdown:
In this category you will be completing the entire game. You'll know if you've done this as when you do the game will show a message saying "ENTIRE GAME COMPLETE".
To do this you must beat the game (as you would in all goals and golds) with every character (13 pro skaters, a created character and 8 unlockable skaters). Doing this will unlock all the skaters, all the videos, all the hidden levels and all the cheats. You also have to collect all the decks for every character (a total of 198 across the entire run), which I'm not sure is required to get the "entire game complete" message, but it's very much a 100% requirement.
Time starts when you take control of the first skater in Foundry (same as always). Time ends upon getting the "ENTIRE GAME COMPLETE" message.
Cheats acquired by entering codes are not allowed and will void the run, however cheats unlocked during gameplay are allowed as in this context they're like unlockable abilities (like the remote bomb+ in breath of the wild). It also makes the later sections of the run easier and shorter, making the run less tedious, so that's why I'm allowing them.
I have completed an unrecorded offline run of this game and ended up with a time of 13 hours, 53 minutes and 2 seconds (which is around the average time for a GTA:SA 100% speedrun), so it's not that insane a category, and with practice and some better routing, it could easily be brought down to like 7-9 hours or something.
It's quite a hardcore category so it might take a while for me to get a video of it (the offline one left me exhausted), but I'm sure there's someone out there willing to do a run of it in the meantime.
What do you guys (and gals) think?
I am completely fine with having a 100% category for this game. I don't really add categories unless someone does a run of it first so, whenever you feel like it would be time, I can make it.
The only rule that would have to be discussed is allowing cheats acquired by in-game means. We have had discussion in the past with THPS4 (which allows the same thing), so we would have to talk about it a little bit before we greenlight that part as well. But, for me personally, I have no qualms.
I think we had someone do this before, as more of a test run, but that was well over a year or two ago.
Sure. The only reason I really suggested it is that it makes getting some of the boards (especially in Tokyo) much easier and less time consuming. Also there's a difference in that if my memory is correct, in Pro Skater 4 you have to buy the cheats in the shop, but here, the cheats are unlocked as you progress through the game by beating a certain number of careers as with the characters and videos, which is why I feel they're different. I'll try and record a run in the next few weeks, and I'll try both with and without cheats maybe.
One year later...
I think the reason why we havent seen this yet mainly is because of the length. There are not as many players for thps 3 compared to san andreas. Even if you managed to complete a character every 10 minutes (which is a pretty solid time to get) the run would be around 4 hours. Ive considered it before but for me i definetly lack the skill and time to do so.
I've been running the game for quite a while and the only person who's ever done a 100% live was 111gamerguy I don't know if he still has the video but the time was 8:48:45 or 9:48:45. But I think he removed along with the 100% THPS4 run he did because nobody else ran it or he just didn't care about it.
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