5 months ago

I've recently decided to do a few 10 collectibles runs since they haven't really been explored, but I've noticed that a bunch of the maps that were added as DLC in the past 3 years have not been updated to the list.

I recently submitted one for Barmwich Town and made a note which is fine, but I noticed I left a mod note for one I done on Moonbase TWO YEARS AGO and it STILL sits in the Airship leaderboards with the note for the moderator still attached.

It would be beneficial for anyone who decides to try the category extensions to have these maps on the list, as it will encourage the community to participate in more speedruns here. Please update the maps as soon as you can. Thanks!

Ontario, Canada

@GrittgamingIRE if you can send me the links to the runs your talking about I can fix that and update the map list. Good chance one of the other mods didn't notice it was not the current level and forgot to add it.

Ontario, Canada

Extensions board in general is not kept nearly as up to date as the main board, so it would be helpful to point out things directly to us that needs to be looked at. I'm on here frequently enough I will see any messages or posts regarding things.


Killing Floor 2 - Barmwich Town - 10 Collectibles (42.30 seconds)

^^both of these runs were submitted, but had to be put under Airship since the map wasn't available in the list, I'll also send the links too Killing Floor 2 - Barmwich Town - 10 Collectibles (42.30 seconds) Killing Floor 2 - Moonbase - 10 Collectibles (72.98 seconds)

Not only do Barmwich Town and Moonbase need to be added, a few other maps do need to be added which I haven't done runs on yet, including Rig, Crash, and Castle Volter

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