Jumps not registering when using scroll wheel?
2 months ago

I suck at ABH and AFH. Really bad. Often it's faster for me to just bhop regularly than doing any of the other two. Which is weird right? I mean, just spam the scroll wheel, ain't that deep. That's what everyone is apparently doing. Well, I decided to investigate. Did the host_timescale 0.1 command, to try and do ABH in slowmo, and I noticed that my jumps are often just not registering if I spam, as if I'm on some sort of input cooldown

Which explains why I was struggling with ABH/AFH this entire time

For me to be able to land the jumps properly, I need to use the scroll wheel very sparingly and as late as possible to actually gain speed

Is that normal? Do I just have to learn to time my jumps better? Or is it just a console command or a setting that I'm missing?

Edited by the author 2 months ago
København, Denmark

yes dont spam it too fast and only when your about to land.

also, know that many more people visit and will take time to help with problems if you ask in the discord.

Kentucky, USA
Any/All, He/Him
2 months ago

you're freescrolling, which is jumping really really fast with the scroll wheel so Source doesn't allow it. only scroll at the ends of jumps

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