xChristine made a thread about this back in 2021, and I would like to expand on this topic a bit. Original post was "I was wondering if we should add milliseconds for all Baby Moses runs that are Sub2 or Sub1:55. Also, we should maybe have timer start/stop rules."
First of all, it looks like timing rules were established at some point since then. Rules state "Timer starts on character control. Timer stops when you lose character control at the end of the last stage with Baby Moses in hand." However, there are discrepancies in how runs are timed. It seems that submissions from the last four years follow the same timing method based on the current rules, where time starts on the first frame that your character can move (also same frame that baby Moses's arms are first raised) and time ends on the frame that your character can no longer move. Most of the older submissions seem to use a timing method that starts when the first stage appears and ends when the final stage fades to black.
I would like to retime all runs using the current rules, since that seems to be how runs have been timed for the past few years, including the top five times. I would also like to set a threshold for times to include milliseconds. At minimum, it should probably be anything below 1:55 for Baby Moses (although sub 2:00 would also work as a nice even number). Updated times would look like this:
- ScottyJ47 01:51.550
- xChristine 01:52.017
- sorok_a 01:52.050
- authorblues 01:52.233
- stalwartturtle 01:52.767
- flower 01:52.783
- brossentia 01:52.933
- 8BitsOfJoy 01:53.450
- ThorOfKenya 01:54.317
- MiphaRivia 01:54.883
- Cactuar 01:55 (.417)
- skateman222 01:57 (.067)
- BubblesDelFuego 01:58 (.733)
- RantronBomb 01:58 (.733)
- Neetsel 01:59 (.300)
- fulgore 02:00
- TheElderSpark 02:00
- ebloodycandy 02:04
- RainingEndavor 02:08
- TheFinalSentinel 02:15
- busterkuri 02:41
- RoboYetiX 02:47
- erika_RTA 02:54
- SirUseless 05:42
- NihilistComedy 06:31
- GreenBomber 12:42
I would also like to establish timing rules for David and Goliath, since there are none. The top runs appear to use the same timing method, where time starts on the first frame that your character can move (also the first frame that health/scripture meter appears) and time ends when screen goes black after defeating Goliath. I would also like to set a similar threshold for milliseconds in this category. Probably anything below 2:05 would make the most sense here. Updated times would look like this:
- sorok_a 01:59.150
- ScottyJ47 02:01.367
- authorblues 02:04.467
- garadas21 02:07
- MythicDeo 06:17? Missing Video
- GreenBomber 44:38
If anyone has feedback, please respond, I would like input from the community. I will leave this thread open for a few weeks before any changes are made.
Hey there!I am completely agree with this idea!Many thanks for correct retiming,8bitsofjoy!
It makes sense to change leaderboards in my opinion