Multiple Versions?
8 years ago
Washington, USA

How are we going to deal with multiple versions of this game? We should at lease make note of which version we are running the game on, as it is very prone to change. We could also restore versions, as this is hosted in github, so we could theoretically copy all of the edits from one time to exactly recreate a version. We would have to label it as so and say it is for speedrunnning only and link to the actual pokeclicker at some points that would not affect gameplay at all, like on the beginning of the game screen and the changelog page.

Seattle, WA, USA

I've seen games like terraria display each version. We should make a new "category" if/when we find out that the version affects the time. Btw where do you find the version number?

Washington, USA

Changelog. Yeah, but how will we even get the different versions?

New York City, NY, USA

I think the best thing to do will be to reset leaderboards whenever a balancing update occurs. Or possibly add runs specifically for current version / any version?

Washington, USA

I think that as long as the updates don't majorly change the balance of the game we should be fine but if they do then we should probably reset the boards

Washington, USA

Or add versions and automatically hide out of date versions.

Washington, USA

that would work to and is probably better