Is changing the meme video files allowed?
11 months ago

I was wondering if it is allowed to change the files of the random videos that appear when collecting notebooks in speedruns. Is it allowed?

Bavaria, Germany
Super moderatorGunnableScum
He/Him, They/Them
11 months ago

You are allowed to change these Videos to your will as long as you have at least 1 Video in your YCTPVideos folder and your Videos are at least 1 second long. This is considered a Visual Mod.

Michael91028 likes this

cool thanks for the answer

GunnableScum likes this
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Raldi's Crackhouse Category Extensions

Hello everyone.

i just wanna say that we launched a new called ""

New ways on how speedrun Raldi!

We would be happy if you would guys give us ideas as well like new %s on every cat

8 months ago
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