Who is working on breaking this game?
10 years ago
California, USA

This is my dream game to run, but I don't want to be running a game for 5-6 hours. I want to help find glitches that can make this game 1-2 hours but dont know where to start.

Washington, USA

Start with the known glitches, and see if they can get you anywhere

Pennsylvania, USA

I'm right there with you, Saos. I'm not a speedrunner myself, just riveted by the community and love learning the glitches, but this is one I'd love to learn. I actually just created an account on this site just so I could respond to you, because I was so glad that I'm not the only interested person who doesn't already run the game.

I've had two ideas for about a month that are just expansions of known glitches and tricks, but I haven't seen any mention of them being used online the way I think they might be possible. I'm assuming they're already known to be impossible, or just don't actually cut time, but maybe not?

I have a dummy account that I just kind of leave in the background of #Starfox on SRL IRC, just in case anyone ever were to start chatting about adventures. If you catch my nick there, please do reach out? I'd love to see what exploring is possible.

Pennsylvania, USA

Here's my novel manuscript based on that fun little chat tonight:



thanks for keeping it tidy

A friend recorded that, dont know if this will lead somewhere, but wanted to leave it here to brainstorm ideas and shiz

Pennsylvania, USA

That's really cool! I still think that there's gotta be some way to profit from getting to Moon Mountain Pass while out-of-bounds. I could tinker with this some tomorrow morning. Has anybody else tried getting there via swim? You can get that passageway to load, but I don't know where the loading zone for MMP is.

California, USA

Scuzz if you want to skype me just PM me somewhere and lets find a way into Moon Mountain


what would the purpose of getting to moon mountain pass early be exactly?

Pennsylvania, USA

I'm not 100% positive, to be honest, but I have three half-formed ideas:

  1. Ground Quake Early, if there's a way around that door. Save warp?

  2. You could bypass getting the Mountain Pass Key, which at the very least skips the Fire Weed task and possibly offers other sequence breaks.

  3. Rather than Krazoa 2 Skip, what about Krazoa 2 Early? I know there's a flame you're supposed to put out, and I don't actually know if you can just go through it like the ones on CloudRunner Fortress, so sorry if this is a bad suggestion. Otherwise, though, nothing would be stopping you from getting Krazoa 2 basically first thing, and I'm wondering whether that might not set the game to be steering you toward SpellStone 2, cutting out the first quarter of the game.


the thing is that getting quake earlier doesnt really trigger anything, and i'm pretty sure you can save warp out of there. The problem is, that doing krazoa 2 early is like, maybe slower than skipping it altogether lol

I mean, is not a bad suggestion, but certainly doesnt seem to be the fastest. Anything to break this game tho, seems useful for 100%, excet we need a more community-based definition on that one.

Right now I'm more focused on either finding a way to enter this window exit thing, not trigger the flame cutscene in this room, or find a way to make the statue remain neutralish even after the cutscene

Might be a dead end tho

Pennsylvania, USA

Man, suddenly I feel behind the eight ball, like I missed a major update. Does the new Ground Quake skip you found already render the first SpellStone moot? I'm surprised that Krazoa 2 early would still be slower - are you saying that you know it to be impossible without Ice Blast, or that you know it wouldn't trigger anything?

I also don't quite understand what's going on in that video (sorry, I'm really behind!) as far as the movement mechanics to get Fox into that room. That would be amazing, though - if you pick up the first one, will the game then make the LightFoot appear with the other one?


Well, the reason the first spellstone cannot be discarded yet is because of two reasons:

1- Moon mountain pass gate key: getting the spellstone triggers the cutscene for the thorntail beacons fetch quest

2- That Krazoa gem. Getting it on cape claw 1 doesnt trigger the flood cutscene, so we cant proceed any further. Here's the thing, the replacement gltich allows you to skip volcano 1 cause lol we can just go to cape claw with krazoa skip glitch. Here are the instances where we need the freezer blast from getting it to end of volcano 2: Douse the flames to activate the elevator to get further into the temple [skipped], douse the flames after the peppy cutscene [skipped], douse the flames to open the door after that room [skipped], douse the flames to get the red and blue gems on Cloudrunner fortress [skipped], douse the flames that protect the krazoa gem in cape claw 2 [cannot be skipped], douse the colored flames in volcano 2 [cannot be skipped], douse the flames that protect the switch [cannot be skipped]

I purposefully left a few ones out that dont matter much, but that should sum it up. Let me explain something first, in case you havent noticed by now, the only flame we cannot skip before we get to volcano 2 is the one protecting that gem, and if we find a way to get that gem without the freezer blast, then we don't have to go to volcano 1 at all (the reason we do that trip is to get freezer blast in the first place). I'm currently testing to see if Moon mountain pass 2 exists (Snowhorn wastes behaves identically in each trip you take there. All the triggers are just items you take with you, but the map is exactly the same in each trip, unlike the other maps like walled city [it's walled city 1 and 2], Cape Claw [theres like 2 or 3], etc), and if it does, and we find a way to get that gem without freezer blast, then we dont have to finish darkice mines, we would just get the horn and leave.

I explained the statue behavior in the video description.

Berlin, Germany

I messed around a lot with getting to Moon Mountain Pass OOB a long time ago, but couldn't find a way. It is actually possible to walk OOB all the way to the area with the 2 wind elevators and it's even possible to fall down in a way where you can land at the bottom instead of being warped during the fall.

I also tried it with Lightfoot Village water level at some point which Scuzzfunnel mentioned in his pastebin, but I couldn't get Moon Mountain Pass to load but only the objects which caused a softlock.

Overall I think even if it was possible it couldn't really lead to anything.

One thing that I never tested and could be helpful if it works would be the super early Cape Claw that Scuzzfunnel explained. If it is possible to trigger the Gatekeeper cutscene during that falling mode that you get from entering Cape Claw without tricky that could actually lead to something. I will try to test that with moonjump on dolphin to see if it's actually possible to trigger the cutscene.

Berlin, Germany

I just tested going to cape claw early before tricky and it seems to be impossible to remove that falling state from the cutscene. No cutscenes cancel it and I even tried saving when walking into the area but when I loaded the game I started falling again.


I knew that wouldnt work, the sole reason that wrong loading falling animation triggers is the lack of tricky. The queen's cutscene also needs tricky.

Right now I'm trying to find a way to get that gem. Seems like theres no way to make that gem be in a neutral state with the flames on, seems like there's no way to get in that room from the exit either, so I guess our only choice here miiight be a way to cancel that mini flame cutscene that triggers when you approach the statue, which i have no idea how to do in the slightest.

The closest thing I've managed to discover that remotely resembles a cutscene skip wouldnt work here. I'll elaborate on said skip once I can at least record it, or test that it's something consistent.

Berlin, Germany

I tried a lot of different things at the gem but couldn't get anything to work. One thing that might be possible is clipping OOB at the step before the fire, by falling on tricky. I couldn't get it to work but you can even get fox to be all the way inside the ground when hanging on the ledge, so it looks like it could be possible.


That's very interesting, if you can find anything with that do let me know. I tried to find ways to get OoB near the exit to swim around but no such luck. I also tried to make the room not load properly by opening the disc cover but no results there either, because another thing we can do is enter that room but in a way that doesn't make it load completely.

I'm honestly drawing a blank here, I'm starting to think we're hitting yet another dead end lol

Pennsylvania, USA

Man, I disappear for a month and stuff gets interesting! Clearly I should just keep away! :)

My spring break is in about two and a half weeks, and I was thinking of doing a cross between a casual run and some exploring/tinkering then. Since I'm not so innovative, would it be any use to anyone if I made a spreadsheet on Google Docs that we could update with information about every cutscene and any other trigger/state changes? Even if that doesn't lead to new discoveries, having a spreadsheet and a codified way of entering data would mean that we could do a sort, and pull up every moment in the game that has a certain factor in common. Then again, is this information that you already just pull from the game code when running emulator tests?

Also, I'm suddenly interested again in a way into Cape Claw while still swimming. Narbe, that one time I popped in your livestream, you mentioned that the ladder down the well is where the game loads CC. Does that mean Fox has to actually be in the climbing state to trigger it? Is there a way to trigger it, while still swimming, without getting stuck in that center column? I know there are too many reasons it won't work, but there's something irresistible about the idea of just swimming around all the puzzles and to the temple door. (I have to believe the SpellStone cutscenes are how the game loads the temple, so I won't get too greedy with my delusions!)

Berlin, Germany

I'm not completely sure what you mean with the spreadsheet information you explained. Do you mean something where it lists the effects of the different cutscenes/events? That could potentially be helpful, especially for people who are getting started with this game.

The trigger for cape claw actually isn't the ladder, it is just a pretty random spot further down. If you come from cape claw, you just go down the first ladder, walk somwhere near the next ladder and that's where the trigger is. You don't even have to touch the first ladder that's going up. This screenshot shows roughly the location of the trigger: http://i.imgur.com/O9bMSYk.jpg?1

Generally the loading triggers are always invisible walls as far as I know, which you can sometimes touch while being OOB when you are half inside, which is what you do for airswim to cape claw after jumping into the water. The trigger normally stretches pretty far up but I'm not sure if it's possible to touch this one while swimming since it's a lot lower. I think I never tested it, but I will probably try it later. For example, when you just airswim OOB, into the room where the queen is, she doesn't load because the loading trigger is a wall in front of the entrance, but when half of fox is inside while you airswim, you can touch the loading trigger even though you're much higher than the ground.

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