New Speedrun Category
1 year ago
New Zealand

Is there any chance of the possible addition of new catagorys into Warthunder speedruns, I was thinking that there could be a run split into each ground rank for the fastest time to kill all ground targets on the test drive map, this would be easily accesable and would be relatively quick as a run which would allow for optimisation and heavy competition on the leaderboards, this could be extended to helicopters and possibly aircraft. this run wouldnt be depended on any form of luck but rather skill in the player. I could send a video link of me doing this run so you guys could have an idea of this run.

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New subcategory for Death%

Now there are subcategories in Death% for surrendering on different airfields. Landing on an enemy Airfield gets you a unique countdown 'You will be captured in [time]' and a death message of 'Crew surrendered'.

5 months ago
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