Ben 10 Battle Ready is one of many Cartoon Network flash games of my childhood, and I'd love to replay it. More than that, I'd like to have more fladh games in my speedrunning resume (Out of 79, only 3 are flash games, and I've streamed only one, which is Furfur and Nublo). Battle Ready has always been in a corner of my mind when it comes to flash game speedrunning, so I want to give it a new try before choosing to run it or not.
So I downloaded it on Flashpoint, but it doesn't work. I realized it's because Shockwave games are getting harder to run on PCs. I tried few solutions gathered on the Internet to make this game work (Which should also work for other Shockwave games), but nothing really worked. The best result I had was to download zip files from this link: https://archive.org/details/ProjectorSkeletonForAdobeDirector12.0.0.111
But it always get stuck when trying to click on "Play" after skipping the textboxes.
As they are propably experts of this case here, since you are running the games, I'm guessing you could help me to make it work on my side. I'd really appreciate it :)
Hello! Sorry for the late response, didn't know about this thread until today. I had the same issues you are having but it's been so long I don't remember exactly why I needed to do in order to get the game working. I checked my Flashpoint and one thing I noticed is that I "curated" the game with I'm assuming the same files you downloaded. Then, I remember changing the "App path" to FPSoftware/Shockwave/PJ851/SPR.exe which its shown on my end. That's really all I can fairly remember. Hope it helps!
I tried my best with my lack of knowledge, but I couldn't make it work :/
I found this video, which apparently is a good guide, but it didn't help me, even though I tried many things
Also, I should have posted this before. Here is the error I get when trying to launch the game from Flashpoint
Yeah that's exactly what I was having issues with too :(
I would recommend joining the Flashpoint discord server and maybe ask there: https://discord.gg/qhvAkhWXU5 . Wish I could do more but gl gettin it to work!