What does "Single Segment" mean?
7 years ago
Texas, USA

I saw on the rules it said that it has to be single segment. What exactly does that mean? Does that mean you can't use "restart"? Because that's what I've been basing my runs around is a lack of restart. Otherwise, my times would probably be a few minutes faster.

Nova Scotia, Canada

Single segment basically means you have to do the run all in one session, start to finish. You aren't allowed to take segments of runs and edit them together. Restart warping is a strat that is allowed in runs.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Texas, USA

I appreciate that, but now you've raised another question; You said "edit together". I did my last run in one clean, fell swoop, but I had another run that, due to an internet hiccup, forced me to pause and restart my stream (I use Twitch to basically record my runs). That would mean that I wouldn't be able to use those as a run, I assume?

Nova Scotia, Canada

I'm not entirely sure, with that situation it might be allowed because it was the same run, you just paused for a minute which is usually allowed. It might just depend on who verifies it. What I meant by ''edit together'' is like if you took all of your best runs of each level and edited them into a single video, that would not be a 'single segment' run.

Texas, USA

That makes sense (because it's not a single run). Anyway, thank you very much for all your help!


If you can submit both videos and is 100% verifiable the fact you got the run in a single segment, you can submit them as part 1 and part 2. The important thing about a run being single segment is to not QUIT and start again from the full game file.

If for example you are in Thermal Base at 2:34 and your internet dies, you pause, you reconnect and you start recording again from 2:41 in a coherent position (assuming you took 7 seconds to realize and pause), then you can submit your run in part 1 and part 2, I don't see a reason for that run to being rejected.

In cases like that probably we would take consideration about things around the submission, I can't guarantee 100% every run submitted this way will be accepted because if for example you are a "suspicious" runner (someone caught trying to break rules or cheat for submissions, for example) probably moderators will have a talk about accepting or not the run.

The condition is the run being one segment, not necessarily the video, still we always prefer the run in a single video just because makes the verification work easier.

Texas, USA

Is it okay, then, to edit my videos together and put that fact in my description? I did have a better run (by five minutes), but I had to pause, but it is very clearly the same run. Oh, the wonders of PS4 video recording.


[quote]forced me to pause and restart my stream (I use Twitch to basically record my runs). That would mean that I wouldn't be able to use those as a run, I assume?[/quote]

Under most circumstances yes, because it becomes somewhat difficult to check that the two segments are actually part of the same run at that point.

This is the sort of thing we allow on a case by case kind of basis, if your time is like, approaching the upper-end of times then we get increasingly less and less tolerant of missing footage and breaks. An IL is too short to allow any missing footage whatsoever, for instance. If your time is on the lower-end and the cut is only a few seconds long, then it can still be verified. If the cut is extremely large and is missing several minutes or an entire level or even just a crucial bit needed for run verification (i.e a stage result screen or the end run time) then it'll be rejected.

Unbroken, complete video footage is strongly preferred and is way less risky.

[quote]Is it okay, then, to edit my videos together and put that fact in my description?[/quote]

I guess that'd be fine? It doesn't really make a difference either way. Again, it's the sort of thing we'd handle case-by-case.

[quote](I use Twitch to basically record my runs)[/quote]

This is basically asking to lose chunks of footage to the aether. PS4 streaming to twitch is incredibly unreliable.

[quote]Oh, the wonders of PS4 video recording.[/quote]

PS4 video recording is actually very good! PS4 has a thing where it can locally record up to hour long chunks of video footage without you even really having to do anything. This means you should be able to completely record ILs just fine and provided your run is under an hour real-time, means you can fit a complete single-segment run into that as well. There isn't really a compelling reason to have breaks in your footage on PS4, the system itself can be made to do it.

(Admittedly, getting a run under an hour of real time entails having somewhere within the ballpark of like, roughly a sub-50 IGT? Which is not necessarily easy but also certainly not an absurd goal. It also provides an extremely convenient cut-off point for where we're likely to start getting harsh about missing footage.)

Short answer: Nobody will really mind much if the cut isn't like massively egregious and the time is on the lower-end of the scale. But as your times get better we will likely start asking for full evidence. ILs can't have any missing bits whatsoever.

MayDonutLover likes this
Texas, USA

Well, where I paused was the beginning of the Dragon Rider segment. If there was ever anything missing, I would never submit the run, even if it was flawless. I would try to recreate it instead. I am striving to get to either AGDQ or SGDQ, so.... yeah, I don't mind doing another run. Practice makes perfect anyway, right?


Of course, that's the spirit.

MayDonutLover likes this
Texas, USA

I don't plan on getting WR, but I just want to be good enough for GDQ. Wish me luck!


Well, Fladervy didn't have WR when he was accepted OpieOP

Don't forget to check our discord server, you can find strats and direct help if you need.

MayDonutLover likes this
Texas, USA

Is it a Freedom Planet Speed Run specific server? If so, I'll check it out!

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