Pink Sheep%
4 years ago
United Kingdom

lol imagine pink sheep%% where you have to find pink sheep lol funny

Kalaphant, Maru_02 and 4 others like this
United States
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

we should totally do this

Maru_02 likes this


B4ndit likes this
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

what if find 3 pink sheep and kill them

Zruler6 and B4ndit like this
Washington, USA


California, USA

yo i got the WR

Maru_02, 15benjamin and 4 others like this
United Kingdom

that music was so unnecessary

Maru_02 likes this

Imagine find 7 green and 5 blue sheep and dye them pink and red%

United Kingdom

what if we get 3 sheep dye one blue, another one red, and the last one orange just like sonic tails and knuckles from the franchise... wait

Kalaphant, linny356, and Strefan like this
Basque Country

What about finding naturaly a blue sheep%

  • but it doesnt ap... exactly
United States
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

what about just sheep%, it would likely be 0 seconds long if you spawned with a sheep in view . . . but sheep%!

Kalaphant likes this
United Kingdom

you gotta kill it too


lmfao just got a 10.smth on killing a pink sheep and i see this thread xP

She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

pink sheep% is just use a pink flower to make the sheep pink

Edited by the author 4 years ago

actually that requires crafting which is slower + the time you need to pick up the flower you lose lik 1.5s and spawning on a flower forest with a pink tulip with close sheeps is as hard as to find a natural sheep


Julius the tiny dog


Only as a meme category in the extensions. My route would be to spawn in a flower forest near a sheep, then get the dye and dye the sheep. Easy.

United States

there should be a catagory for Allsheep% where you have to obtain every color of sheep :)