Category suggestions!
3 months ago
East Sussex, England

First of all - I'm so excited that TCG pocket is a category on speedrun dot com!

Solo mode would be great for speedrunning - especially for Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced/Expert (any/100%) or all categories. Are there any plans to include these in the future?


bascopy, Joma_Happy and 2 others like this
United States

I agree those would be fun- also think fastest multiplayer win would be a goofy but fun category to mess with


I agree with both of you! Any info on when those categories could show up ?


I will create solo mode categories, please wait until there are added.

Edited by the author 2 months ago

The Solo Battle categories are now open.

"Solo Battle" is the level category where you defeat one deck, and "Solo Battles" is the full game category where you defeat all decks in the specified difficulty/expansion.

Edited by the author 2 months ago

I was wondering if level 5 and maybe level 10 speed runs might be an idea?


I'm not sure of the interest of the said level 5 / level 10 categories ? May you could develop this ?

I mean, considered the Tutorial%, it seems to be a longer version of it. And to me the only "viable" way to gain xp is to battle, then why not add 5-win streak category instead ?


PL categories are interesting, but there is room for debate on which level should serve as the basis. Simply choosing a nice round number feels questionable as a category.

For example, since collection files are unlocked at PL6, targeting PL6 might be a better option.

If aiming for a higher level, random matches would be necessary. However, given the nature of SRC, inconsistent categories involving online matches are not encouraged.

Edited by the author 2 months ago
São Paulo, Brazil

Hi, I'm not sure where to share this information, but I think I discovered a glitch to save 1 second per attack.

On the normal way took 11:266 seconds and in the second took 10:066, I think it might be useful to try lowering the times.

Edited by the author 2 months ago
bascopy and suzie_dot_exe like this
Pays de la Loire, France

Can we add a category "genetic apex battle any%".

You start a new game and you have to finish all the fights of the "genetic apex" extension.

That means opening boosters to create a new deck to be able to beat all the bots up to expert...

To avoid pseudo problems (related to not finding a name that has not been chosen), I suggest starting the timer for this category when you click on the "choose this one" button before opening the first booster.

The timer ends when you leave the fight of the last expert of the Fighting type...

I do a test to see if it's possible this morning and i did it in approximately 3h. I will be doing a recorded run this weekend. I put my livesplit for a better understanding

thanks for reading this, i'm open to talk with you for any suggestion.

ND606 and Joma_Happy like this


Renamed to “New Account” and added “All Solo Battles (Genetic Apex)” subcategory. Start timing is based on ”Tutorial” and ”Solo Battles.” Please check the rules for details as they have been changed from the timings you described.

bascopy likes this

New Idea: All Guides

Complete all 14 guides in the battle section

You could also split this into having Beginner and Advanced on there own aswell as both together

Example Runs here:

Edited by the author 1 month ago


Added “Guides” category.

ConfusedHughes likes this

Sorry to bother, but I was wondering if the new update will be added to the board? Because this is a live service game, it seems that if a new leaderboard is added every time the boards will quickly be stretched too thin. Should we maybe focus on just the original levels? Or should the mod(s) continue to add every update?

I feel that if we add separate leaderboards for every update, the game will end up with too many categories and not enough players. But if we leave the original levels only, it gives the leaderboard time to grow. Does anyone else have opinions on this?


Joma_Happy has been responsible for adding expansions, but it seems the task has not been completed yet. Therefore, I plan to add it to the leaderboard today.

Since this task needs to be done every time an expansion is added through an update, we are looking for active players/moderators who can add expansions with each update. The verification process is automated, so the only required task is reflecting the expansion on the leaderboard.

If you would like to add expansions directly, I can grant you moderator permissions and provide a brief explanation. Please contact me directly if you're interested.

In the Space-Time Smackdown expansion, new levels have been added to Intermediate as well, so Solo Battles will be divided into Intermediate (Genetic Apex) and Intermediate (Space-Time Smackdown).

For level runs, expansions have been grouped by difficulty up to Mythical Island, but as more levels have been added, I will now separate them by both difficulty and expansion.

Edited by the author 1 month ago
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