Eldritch Edition updates
5 years ago
New Orleans, LA, USA

Just for clarity, I have changed the current categories slightly.

The most significant change is to the 100% category, since the Eldritch Edition added three new side areas, a new boss, and a few new perks, all of which are required for 100% and will significantly extend the time required to complete it. So now we have a 100% in the main list, and a Pre-Eldritch 100% in the misc categories since it is now an old version. If the new updates prove to be significantly slower for Any% (which I heavily doubt, considering we now have an easy difficulty), then I will also add Pre-Eldritch categories for all other existing categories.

I will be working on an optimized route for the Area 1 side area, called The Treasury, as well as the one in area 2 with the gongs. (Assuming they dont change significantly with each new game.)

If anyone has any other notes on this, feel free to add.

Texas, USA

Just 100% the game with the new updates just to see whats all in it. Going to spam everything different I found down below. Will probably make it look better and add it to the Sundered Walkthrough guide or just make it look nicer here later.

As stated above, there are three new side areas in each Region

Region 1: Above the upper right crystal room - Have to get past multiple laser puzzles then defeat Lith Meteorites while being shot at offscreen by Hunters. Reward: 20% discount of the skill tree

Region 2: Very top center of the map, top of the path needed to unlock the crystal room - Must ring gongs to tear multiple pieces of flesh. Gongs summon screamers which can be used to traverse the area. Reward: Finisher's are 50% larger and their damage is increased

Region 3: Top left of the map where the elder shard use to be before the update - Must go ring 5 gongs in the regular world while going through a "void" dimension through rifts, which has Sentinel and Aberrations enemies, to get pass stage hazards. Reward: Wind no longer pushes you and 20% less damage from enviromental obstacles.

After you beat those three, a door opens at the vista room in Region 2. Going down there is the new boss. He is fairly simple, just doing a combo attack and jumping at you most the time. The room is filled with a few gongs, hitting them summons a region 2 enemy. When boss hits halfish health, all the gongs ring. The boss' and your attacks both can ring the gong as well, so keep him to the center to avoid that.

Defeating him gives you a Rank 4 Perk that, when equiped, decreases your armor and damage by 30% and makes all enemies Nox level (the rank of enemies found in the nether). The upside is that rank 4 perks will now drop. Another thing it does it makes the re-fights with the original 3 bosses different as well (though I don't think it even contributes to 100%, so no reason to know this for speed running purposes.)

Region 1 - Constant Punch on your location, Different punch patterns, enrages faster. Region 2 - Boss crouches and fires a bunch of shots off. Didn't notice anything different, might of enraged faster? Region 3 - Breaking the eldershard on either boss does not stun them. Both enrage while the shield on the main shard is down. Enrages faster.

Also, easy mode does make things much easier.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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