So i assume we've all been at the end of an any% NMG run and the clouds decide not to function like they're supposed to and you fall through. Has anyone found a consistent method to not fall? The closest I've gotten is stop moving at the peak of your jump and hope you land on the cloud.
I actually know one. I actually have some strats that are not yet implemented. I am not really running the game right now, but I will come back soon. If you want to know them write to me on discord: The_Player_X#9652 I will also make a video on them very soon just so everyone knows them and the information is out there. But yes, the clouds are shitty.
Something to do with being able to interact with them bad hitboxes blah blah. land on the edge for the first 2 and in the middle for the last one.
Here is a video on some strats including one for the cloud. Timestamp for the cloud is 8:32 Hope this helps