daughters dlc speedrun
7 years ago
United States

was wanting to request for a speedrun of daughters dlc speedrun, im sure this is already going to happen but was wondering if someone could make it a catagory, also are would we be doing separate runs for both endings or would we just do runs and let the runners decide which one they wanna go for

Florida, USA

Is there an end game timer for the DLC? If not, leaderboards would be difficult to manage for it.

United States

true didn't think bout that, i think there is? ill have to check again but there might not be

United States

alright going through it again it looks like there's not a igt but still could judge is rta tho via splits but that's up to u guys tbh

United Kingdom

Splits can be inconsistent; the thing I thought with these DLCs is that something like daughters there is nothing really to well, do differently, it's an extremely linear path that'll come down to milliseconds like the demo; I personally would only put the jack eating levels since they're timed and maybe the room escape with Clancy but then again I'm not sure if the room has an IGT.

Tallcat likes this

Daughters probably isn't worth a board tbh. Jack's 55th is kind of a score attack thing (you can pause the IGT with time bonuses) more than an actual speedrun. 21 doesn't have an IGT either. If there's demand for Daughters or 21 to do RTA runs with then I don't really see why not, mind you, probably wouldn't do it myself but I'm also not about to tell other people how to have fun.

Ethan Must Die has an actual IGT clear time that can't be manipulated and therefore probably is actually worth a board.

United Kingdom

RTA wouldn't be too hard to manage, unless it comes down to milliseconds.

Problem with RTA and milliseconds is a lot of the time is people don't re-time their runs and simply submit the inaccurate split time as final time. And downloading runs off of YT and Twitch and having mods re-time everything would be ridiculous for as popular game as this.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Tallcat likes this
United Kingdom

I think there's a lot of ifs and buts to be had with all the different DLCs, but some of them are definitely viable

United States

well furry, if the runners can't retime there own times then they don't deserve to be verified, if they get mad it's there own fault. make sure to time it better next time, if everyone has to do it then i don't see why we should have exceptions. But that's my opinion

United Kingdom

It's not about people being lazy with retimes; it's that we have to make sure they didn't time it wrong or edit the timer in any way, same as where we have to watch people's runs to make sure they followed rules, didn't cheat and put in the correct IGT. People are sneaky, and unreliable


isn't making sure runs are accurately timed part of the whole responsibility of modding

It's not /that/ arduous. I know this is a busy leaderboard, but you have eight mods. You can manage.

shit i'd do it, I really super duper doubt it's that unmanageable even for RE7. Sonic Adventure 2's been doing it for ages with no particular problems?

United States

i mean at the end of the day it's the mod's decision, i'm not worried about it if they don't wanna do it how i see it

United Kingdom

Most people use Twitch, and outside of 3rd-party leechers / applications there is no way to download other people's Twitch highlights.

It takes less than 2 minutes to drop an .mp4 into Movie Maker or Avidemux (free download) and get the exact RTA time for your run. Regardless of whether or not it's arduous enough, all runners should have the foresight to do this when submitting RTA runs in the first place.

If people export to Youtube, then that's fair enough. In the case of Twitch though, far too much of a hassle considering how easy the above is.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
United Kingdom

8 mods fair enough Succint, I've been on break recently so I've been busy approving runs but over the weekend and this week I've been working from 10-8:30, I come home, I eat, I sleep and I repeat. Runs are an hour and a half to two and a half hours long on average, sure some don't need to be watched entirely but some of them still take a damn long time to check, like knife only and 100% runs.

If it wasn't Liv recently going hard on run approval there would be like 70 runs waiting to be approved; RE7 is now on the front page for runner numbers, it's not as easy to manage as you think, but we do our best.

Back on topic, I've just got the DLC and tried some of it, I definitely think jacks 55th birthday and bedroom are runnable, but bedroom only with an out of game timer; daughters I think is still just way too linear with barely any time for differences unless we're going to start millisecond RTA timers that we can double check

I'd like to hear most of the mods personal feelings on it all because I'd like to run some of these too

United States

i mean if it's a big hassle don't worry about it, i can run it on my own, i just wanted to see if such a thing would be possible if not, no harm done like i said before if u guys say no im not worried about it

California, USA

Well, I attempted a speedrun on the DLC today, but on Bedroom DLC. Gonna reattempt it again today though. It would be nice to have a speedrun based on the DLCs though.

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