4-2 Easier Fast wrong warp???
6 years ago
Ohio, USA

So, I found this really easy way to do the wrong warp on 4-2. Instead of the very precise timings on some of the jumps and the slide at the end. I have a very simple way of doing it. I am wondering if someone can disprove that the way I do it is not as good. Because it looks just as good as the other way. Here's the YT vid for the way I do it. Have a good day! :D

South Carolina, USA

You're playing on PAL while darb plays on NTSC; movement speed is a bit faster on PAL to compensate for its lower framerate, which causes other things to run slower (sliding down the flagpole and counting down the timer, for example). This is why you were only 0.02 seconds slower in real time, even though your movement entering the pipe was a bit slow.

On a tangential note, your method is still pretty quick, although it is not the quickest. The video in this submission (#T1 PAL Time on speedrun.com) gets a 375 into the pipe: https://www.speedrun.com/run/emk7ply6

eddiecatgaming, Darpey and 2 others like this
Ohio, USA

Oh, I see. I just looked up some vids on the differences between the two versions. Now I understand. Thank you lots!


On PAL you only need to do 2 backwards jumps to easily make it. On NTSC you do 3 bumps instead of 2 to easily make it :D

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Light, KingOfJonnyBoy, and Darpey like this
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