New category
3 years ago
Texas, USA

I have an idea for a new category. You will have to start in the nether (no mods) and survive until you get back to the overworld.That's when timer ends. It can be random or set seed

Edited by the author 3 years ago
ScubaDragon and ImPlaneGull like this

So would the time start as soon as you get to the nether, or after you throw away all your items 🤔


We have this, uses a resource pack but it's fair enough

Texas, USA

@ScubaDragon No, we have to first enter the world on creative, then go in the nether and break the portal. Timer starts when you go to survival

Fair enough?

ScubaDragon likes this
New Jersey, USA

maybe this should be in category extensions? idk

BrixOnAndroid likes this

They are never gonne add it, just saying it


@neozip There's already a category for it in mcbeuce. the idea which you're saying is dumb because going into creative will turn on activate cheats which is not allowed while speedrunning

Category Link:

its the smae thing

ScubaDragon likes this
Texas, USA

@Afraz1010 We go to creative, build the nether portal, go in and destroy the nether portal, Go to survival and deactivate cheats, Run starts on first frame of deactivating cheats


Why not just try the category first? Its the smae thing

Texas, USA

@Afraz1010 I can't cause im in console

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