New Category Idea
3 years ago
Tasmania, Australia

Hey everyone,

After Gman's latest WR in Career Any% it seems pretty clear that repeatedly evading the cops at heat level 6 is the way forward for this category, and therefore the majority of events aside from a few ambushes and most of the vehicles in the game have become redundant. While I don't think there is a problem with this new strategy, I think there is a need for another category that forces the player to utilize more of the game than we now do in Career Any%.

My idea for another category is All Events %, where the player must complete each event in the game once (not including Most Wanted events) with whichever vehicle they want in the shortest time possible. I think this would open up opportunities for a multitude of different route ideas and also requires the player to use many different types of vehicles and travel to all sections of the map. Alongside the Career Any% category which is becoming more and more optimized I think All Events % would be great secondary category that would be a fun alternative for current runners doing Career Any% and I believe it would also be more likely to attract new runners to NFSMW12 speedrunning.

MauriceV007 och Gman369 gillar detta

@Deconator03 Added thanks for your suggestion

Deconator03 tycker om detta
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