These are 2 helpful resources. The first is a thread I posted a few days ago: And the second is this video by marc: What you want to do is to go about one frame from falling off of the 2nd row of platforms (Specifically the top one) and do a one frame jump. Then, only hold R from now on. One frame before you start walking press R + L, do a one frame jump, and get half-way thru the block, and press left. From then on, refer to the guide by marc I linked before. The most useful resource is in tasvideos,org, which I always refer to based on how useful it is. Here is the link: After TASing for a year, I am able to clip into any 2 block high pipe. Please do everything I have said, and also experiment with subpixels. You really want to do this, it will help SO much.
And if the setup I provided was too complex, please just use the one that marc shows, it is the method I started off with.
@Lusonice2021 do you honestly think anybody need to show proof for a TAS. Anybody can make a TAS, ok.
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