After gameplay I retimed this run using with a console FPS of 60.098813897441 which is the NES native framerate according to and raw video framerate of 60 FPS for a total of 81413 frames or a Console Time of 22:36.883. First Frame set on the frame "400" appears in the top right corner after selecting 1 player and End Frame set on the frame all sprites are invisible after touching the axe in 8-4. I hyped and paused the game after the final axe, however I hit the axe before pausing so I guess it's all good.
I use Nintendo Entertainment System Model No. NES-001 with "Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt" cartridge Model NES-MH-CAN and GV-USB2 Capture Card. Console check at the end of the run.
Twitch Highlight:

Following Twitch’s announcement regarding the 100-hour storage limit for Highlights, the SMB1 mod team recommends that runners reupload any previously submitted Twitch highlights to a permanent video hosting website (e.g., YouTube) and resubmit any submissions labelled as "at-risk".