Updated 6 years ago by oORaydenOo


Now you can ski all year long without worrying about tight boots, cold hands, long lift lines--or whether it snows! Skiing by ACTIVISION challenges you with a wide variety of slalom and downhill runs, designed for everyone from amateur to pro. Even if you've never been on a pair of skiis, you can be a champion skier with Skiing by ACTIVISION. Read these instructions to find out how to make record-breaking runs without getting wrapped around a tree or crashing into a gate.

-------------------------------SKIING BASICS-----------------------------------

  1. Hook up your video game system. Follow manufacturer's instructions.

  2. With power OFF, plug in game cartridge.

  3. Turn power ON. If no picture appears, check connection of your game system to TV, then try steps 1-3 again.

  4. Plug in left Joystick Controller (it's the only one you'll need). Hold it with the button at upper left.

  5. Set both difficulty switches to b (down) to begin.

  6. Select run with game select switch:

      Slalom Runs
      Game 1:  20 gates, Novice run
      Game 2:  40 gates, Intermediate run
      Game 3:  30 gates, Expert run
      Game 4:  50 gates, Olympic run
      Game 5:  30 gates, a new Expert run every time you select Game 5
      Downhill Runs
      Game 6:  200 meters, Novice hill
      Game 7:  300 meters, Intermediate hill
      Game 8:  500 meters, Expert hill
      Game 9:  900 meters, Olympic hill
      Game 10: A new 900-meter Olympic hill every time you select Game 10

    NOTE: The hills and courses for Games 1-4 and 6-9 are permanently set. Each tree, gate and mogul is in the same place every time you ski these runs. Whenever you select Game 5 or 10, however, you get a new course each time. The course will remain the same for as many runs as you want to take until you select another game or turn the power off. When you return to Game 5 or 10 again, you'll face a new run and a new challenge.

  7. Press game reset to place skier at the top of the hill. The timer will reset to 0.

  8. To start skier, move Joystick to any position (or just tap it).

  9. Your Joystick controls the position of your skis. Push it to the left and your ski tips will move to the left; push it to the right and your ski tips will move to the right. The longer you hold the Joystick in either direction, the farther your skiis will go, until they reach horizontal (you can't ski uphill!). Your skier will go in the direction your skis are pointed and will reach maximum downhill speed when the skis are pointed directly downhill. (See diagram of ski positions.)

-----------------------SPECIAL FEATURES OF SLALOM RACING----------------------- Object: To run through all gates (between the poles) in the fastes time.

Scoring: Elapsed time on timer. You are penalized five seconds for each gate you miss. At the end of each run, the number of gates you missed and your total time (including penalties, if any) are shown on the screen.

If you hit a gate or a tree, do not lose heart: You skier will jump back up and keep going. But you do lose time, so be careful!

The red button on your Joystick is not used in slalom racing, but can be used instead of the game reset switch to reset your skier at the top of the course. Don't push it unless you want to start over.

To make a run tougher, push your right difficulty switch up to a. Now trees will appear on the slalom course in front of the gates (not just off to the side), so you'll really have to be quick to dodge them and still make all the gates.

----------------------SPECIAL FEATURES OF DOWNHILL RACING---------------------- Object: To reach the bottom of the hill in the fastes time.

Scoring: Elapsed time at the end of the run. During the run, the number of meters remaining is shown above the elapsed time.

Penalties: None. But if you hit a tree or fall on a mogul (see below), you'll lose time.

The red button on your Joystick is only used when your right difficulty switch is up or at a. Then you must push the button to make your skier jump any moguls in your path (they are the grey patches in the snow). The timing of your jumps is critical; if you're off, your skier will hit the mogul and fall on his face. If trying to dodge trees and jump moguls gets a bit too tricky, just push your right difficulty switch down to b and your skier will jump each mogul automatically.

Note: You must push the game reset to start at the top of the hill on downhill runs.


With the left difficulty switch in the down or b position, the ski run passes by vertically but does not change horizontally, so your skier cannot ski off the course. When he reaches the edge, he stops moving horizontally.

With the left difficulty switch in the up or a position, you can direct your skier off the trail and through the woods--even ski all the way around the mountain, if you wish. We suggest you try this option on downhill runs only (Games 6-10), as an interesting and creative variation on the normal ski run.

[Note to owners of Sears Tele-Game: On your Sears system, difficulty switches are called skill left (or right) player and a (or up) is expert and b (or down) is novice.]

-----------------------------GETTING THE FEEL OF------------------------------- SKIING BY ACTIVISION

Once you know the basics of Skiing, we suggest you get the feel of your controls by skiing on the slow slopes first (Games 1, 2 and 6). Start with both difficulty switches at b (or down) while you're learning. Move your Joystick right and left gradually to move slowly across and down the hill, through the trees and gates. See how your skis respond to your Joystick movements and how changing ski positions changes your skier's direction and speed. You will go fastest when your skis are pointed straight downhill and you'll slow down when you are moving at an angle. You can stop your skier in mid-hill by moving your skis all the way horizontal.

When you're ready for more advanced challenges, try the faster runs. You'll get faster times, but watch out! The slope is steeper and the gates, trees and moguls come flying at you. And when you're really a hot shot, push your right difficulty switch up to a to push your skills to the limit.

                            BY ACTIVISION
              Tips from Bob Whitehead, designer of Skiing

 Bob Whitehead, well known for his fast-action, excitement-packed 
 video games, also designed Boxing by ACTIVISION.

"The keys to success in Skiing by ACTIVISION, just as in real skiing, are learning to control the tips of your skis and anticipating and avoiding trouble.

"Keep your skis pointed as straight down the hill as possible. The less you traverse across the slope, the faster you'll make it to the bottom.

"Pick your line through the trees and gates by constantly looking ahead of your position toward the bottom of the screen. When you see the next set of trees and/or gates, point your skis to miss the trees or pass through the gates. Of course, the more you ski any particular hill, the more familiar with it you will become. To get the fastest times, you must memorize the run and ski the shortest possible route down the hill or through the gates.

"When you want to maneuver, I suggest you tap your Joystick lightly to the right or left to move your skis or change direction, rather than push heavily on the stick. There are 8 different positions for your skis (see my diagram below) and 15 different directions you can go (downhill plus two possible angles for each left or right ski position).

"We're organizing an Activision Ski Team. To qualify, you must run slalom course 3 (Game 3) in under 28.2 seconds. If you break that time, send us a picture of the screen and we will enroll you as a member. And if you break 28 seconds, consider yourself Olympic caliber.

"Of course, not everyone wants to ski down a hill in record time. Some of you may just like to ski back and forth and down the hill at your own pace. Go ahead, if you wish.

"I really had a great time working on Skiing by ACTIVISION. I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed designing it. Have fun and God bless!"

[Bob Whitehead]


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 --> --_ \ | | / _-- <--

Credits: Manual © Atariage ©ACTIVISION

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