Sorry for clearing my throat so much. But anyways, today I decided to mess around in the hard pack, and i discovered a fucking monster of a skip. This makes it one of, if not the hardest runs to complete on shift 4. You have to do a keydoor clip, but it can take you to 4 different places. Normally it will just softlock you, but only 2 places do that, the other 2 dont, but the one where it sends you all the way up to the top is much slower. You want it to send you to the right. I made mistakes during the run after the skip, which means this skip is so good that it can save a dead all achievements run if your licky enough. The fact that I am typing this and telling you about it should never have happened. This huge of a timesave hasn't been found since 2022 (i think) and today i broke the silence of huge timesaves. Anything can happen that you might not expect, and that's what makes this world beautiful. End of message.