Sort of boss skip
7 years ago

Hey everyone,

Not too long ago I started playing this game again, and remembered some kind of bug which might be useful for speedrunners. One time when I was going to fight the final boss, he didn't move at all, just kept on laughing like a maniac. Neither was the cutscene despalyed you normally see when you land. The bad thing is, this happened multiple years ago and I don't have the slightest clue how to pull it off. The only other thing I remember, is that I played in NG+ and took a lot of damage while dropping down. -XLgaming_inc

Ratchetmania нравится это
Ohio, USA

Pretty sure this has been known about for a while now but unfortunately there is no super consistent way to set it up. Thanks for mentioning your finding though!

Western Australia, Australia

It happened to me once when I went through NG+ without armor. I think it has to do with you dying but being saved by the nano-pak.

Regardless, getting the nano-pak takes too long in all categories except for 100%, and even then its probably faster to defeat Neffy normally rather than to "die" to him. Glitch or no glitch, you'd still have to do all the damage to him.

Also, strictly speaking, this isn't skipping Neffy, this is cheesing him, like how the Snivelak boss and the Protopet are cheesed in GC any%.

If this doesn't always occur, my guess is that the cause is Ratchet's health going to 0 on one frame, and the Nano-pak setting it to 30 in the next, and thus Neffy's AI seeing that Ratchet has 0 health and entering into his victory state.

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