Alright i hade no where else to post this so here goes nothing, in entropy zero 2 theres a glitch that alows you to fly, i havent tryed it anywhere else yet and it takes a bit of trying until it works but it lets you fly around 1 map (havent tryed with others) simple run down take the robot compainon you get in the game go to a slop walk the slop down and then push his back leg agenst the ground, if performed correctly it usally will create some smoke under his feet, just start walking forward (left makes you fly slightly weil left just makes you drop to the left) hold either forward and right or just forward and after a few attempts it will work, i dont have it down quit yet but ill keep you informed (extra infos weil i was writing i found out you can do this on any light slop and its really easy to slide yourself around ill call this wings baby hops or w.b.h, holy shit i just found a consistant way weil writing just almost have him touch the ground but still be flying a bit then you will almost always get launched, i just made one of the biggest achivments in entropy zero 2 speedruning, i hope im the first to have found this but i searched and sow nothing, now with the first major glitch discovered finally the speedrun can begin, ive been nitro aka wingnem and im out (cheak it out in game if you dont beleave me and sorry about the writing i am dyslexic))
Where do you think this would be useful? I can't think of any map where you couldn't just launch yourself into the air with some accelerated hops and slopes.
See the full-game run and skip to this part of the game for example to see what I mean.
PS. Thank you for the video though, it was a clear proof.