No Any% Tutorial?
8 years ago
She/Her, It/Its
8 years ago

Can somebody give me one? (Sorry for my bad english)


there are no tutorials. i can try to help you out if you need it though. what parts are you struggling with? which any% category are you referring to?

Edited by the author 8 years ago
She/Her, It/Its
8 years ago

It's any% glitched. How works the game end glitch? I don't know how to clip into the ground.

Edited by the author 8 years ago

for the slope clip you have to do a 1 frame jump while moving up the slope. this means jumping so that kirby doesn't visibly leave the ground. the correct positioning is extremely precise (i think maybe sub pixel perfect?) and impossible to do consistently, so it can take many tries before even getting it once. you can try flicking or slapping the A button to achieve the shortest possible jump.

once you make the clip, press up to start floating, and position kirby halfway between the water and the ground so that he is resting on the floor of the pond. once he is positioned like this, exhale and walk all the way into the water. activate stone and attempt to hit the pause button 13 frames following the stone activation. this will either crash your game or trigger the credits.

basically the category consists entirely of two extremely precise and inconsistent tricks, the latter of which might not even work if you do it perfectly. finishing a run of this category, let alone getting a good time, is heavily dependent on luck.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
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