If I had a nickel for every nickel trend that @jackzfiml started, I’d have one nickel.
If I had a nickel, I would have five cents (adjusted for inflation).
I only want to be a Mod so I can make a category on Sid Meier's Civ 5 the category would be named "Reasearch%" and the rules would be "Research everything no cuts, no mods especially to make it go faster, and It's recommended to splits for every new AOG (Age Of Time)".
I have to have an account for a week to message a Mod if I don't know the game Discord server.
[quote=VyPr] The irony of jack being called out in this thread for bumping is hilarious [/quote]
If i had a nickel. I dont have a nickel because i did. No i didnt <3
If I had a nickel for every bot ruining a thread, I’d have too many nickels