Hi! I'm MrSoy, I've gotten a few records already. I imagine the game isn't run very often, but I grew up playing it and thought it'd be fun to get some records. If there are any other active or semiactive players I'd love to connect. I appreciate RaGeNyC for verifying my times so quickly, and you and Nightbarrel have set a good standard for WRs in this community already. Is there a discord or something? If not, and you're a runner reading this and also want to connect feel free to respond to this thread and I'll make a discord for active runners if that's okay.
Hey hey, nice to see there are other Jet Moto racers still out here. I'll be submitting my times here soon, working on finishing the game on Master with every character.
Master with every character, nice. Which console are you playing it on?
The 1995 PlayStation, yo. He's an older machine, but checks out. Sometimes. :P
ive been sticking to emulators as it lets me cram more attempts in per hour by removing waiting for the game to restart lol
but i own a physical copy of every (different) jet moto game available on the north american market