SUBMIT YOUR ILs (more info inside)
6 years ago
United States


Last month, the Level Leaderboard for this game was deleted. All runs were lost. Since then, the pages for these ILs has been restored, but none of the runs remained.

Immediately after this incident, new mods were appointed. Anti_ and myself were made supermod, replacing the old supermod(s), and we also took on hoxi as a verifier. Then, of course, the Anti_ thing happened and he removed himself from all LB mod positions.

Since I have inherited this mess, I have reached out to admins and staff through both Discord and Twitter.

On 14 August, I was told that backups should be able to be restored, and I relayed this information to everyone else. Nothing happened.

On 29 August, I reached out again to follow up. The reply I got back was effectively "we'll nudge someone about it" -- nothing happened.

It is now the 17th of September, and since nothing has happened, I think it's time we take charge of the situation.

IF YOU HAVE DONE IL RUNS, PLEASE RESUBMIT THEM. When uploading, make sure you include the appropriate date, if possible.

IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO HAS DONE IL RUNS, please reach out to them and get them to submit. OR, feel free to post their run(s) in this thread for us to add them.

I apologize that this has taken so long and that effectively nothing good came about it. I did my best to reach out to the appropriate folks, and I gave them ample time to help us out with this ordeal. It is not my intention to pin this problem on them (it's not their fault this happened, and it's a stupid problem for us to have to begin with) -- and since it is also not my intention to beat them over the head with my correspondence, I think this is the best we can do for now.


Edited by the author 6 years ago
Osmosis_Jones, Zachoholic and 16 others like this
United States

8-Track (4:27): Lowrider race (0:53): Monster Race (3:42): NRG-500 (0:33): BMX (0:28):


Firefighter 3:48 by setttt3


I hope this not will happen again. Runs submited. All good mood. Have fun :)


I keep IL WR runs updated for myself as watchlist. I couldn't find links to every runs in my browser history. Some of them might be outdated since it was before IL's got removed. Hope this helps. Here's the runs:

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Osmosis_Jones, ASadPyro and 6 others like this

deleting runs because they are not good. wow.

hoxi likes this

if a person wants to submit a terrible ass IL run to the board then let him do so, it's not like you are NOT ALLOWED to, right? why the fuck would you reject it just because the time is bad? this is retarded

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Osmosis_Jones, Tier4Jean and 4 others like this

Last WR (and tied) runs we got links for to be added:

Chopper Checkpoint (2:07) Desert Tricks (1:49) Dam Rider (1:43) Into the Country (2:42) Quarry 7 (3:06) SF to LV (2:27) Highjack (1:23) Badlands A (2:06) Badlands B (2:13)

Found links to these WR's:

Amphibious Assault (2:18) End Of The Line (10:58)

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Tier4Jean likes this

Hello, can I submit a run, which is performed by another player who is currently inactive (9 months already)? Of course, his result will belong to him, not to me. I'm talking about Akzo, and one of his IL's has already been submitted and verified by our moderator and verifier a week ago

Because of this stupid "IL situation" many results of inactive players were lost, and I just want to pay respect to player who was in the first place before me, whose technique I learned to improve 1st place time. The run I want to submit has already been verified before IL's removing, and I even have the exact date of its approval

I think you can. Just specify who did the race, if it's not you.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

It's not 25 fps


Hello, can I submit a run, which is performed by another player who is currently inactive (9 months already)? Of course, his result will belong to him, not to me. I'm talking about Akzo, and one of his IL's has already been submitted and verified by our moderator and verifier a week ago

Because of this stupid "IL situation" many results of inactive players were lost, and I just want to pay respect to player who was in the first place before me, whose technique I learned to improve 1st place time. The run I want to submit has already been verified before IL's removing, and I even have the exact date of its approval [Tier4Jean, 5 days ago]

᠌ Here is Akzo's run I was talking about:

᠌ The exact date of this run - 12 July 2017. Before the verification of my Quarry 7 record, I made a video proof where you can see Akzo's run, which I want to return to the leaderboard:

Thunder likes this
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