Update: Onslaught Mode Leaderboards

I have figured out a solution for ensuring players with a higher wave are positioned above others with a lower wave reached. I will be putting in a random time that will ensure that players are positioned where they deserve. The time between players only matters when the wave reached is the same.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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Kentucky, USA
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Ontario, Canada

Until SRDC gives us the tools we have been wanting for a long time we have to figure out alternatives till then. IL tracking and category sorting is just plain lack luster atm so keeping a well maintained and clean board is just hard to do when things get complicated sadly.


I got no clue how you're going to balance time and rounds, and right now it makes most sense to go by round to determine the better player. Then go by time if the same round is reached (for the record there is a max round). I indeed hate how messy the boards look when the times have to be adjusted to correctly position people on the board, but SR.com hasn't implemented an option to allow me to sort by highest round and then time.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
MASH likes this