Was discussing on Excitebike how you can override inputs on the Switch. For example, you hold right on the joystick and press left on the dpad to override the right input.
Now I was thinking that this is also possible on oher Switch games including SMB1. After seeing people do TAS fast accels in NWC is occurred to me that... couldnt someone technically get a top time using this on Switch even with a technically lower framerate? I wondered if it would be enough to break WR even? I dont think so as I did note that there is a Switch entry in the top 50 but the difference between the times seems to be about 0.5 seconds. I could be wrong. Still, if this allowed for a perfect run more easily. After the time is converted the run would probably be close or possibly better than Niftski's time.
Anyway, I was having a similar discussion on Excitebike and realized this is a flaw in the way the Switch handles the inputs rather than simply just a different control set. Ifthis DOES result in a faster time I would imagine the smb1 community would disallow Switch. However, I'm not sure if it's enough to matter, but the advantage there does exist, but you're probably moe disadvantaged by the framerate at the end of the day. Still, I thought I'd mention it AND that this could also apply to all Switch re-releases.
discussed in discord --- disadvantage greater than advantage but a perfect run on switch is 4:54.71 I mean obviously harder to get that run than beat Niftski's WR. Just a curiosity i had.
I think the input handling concern is a valid one to bring up and discuss, however I don't think it's one the SMB1 mod team will lose sleep over though as the highest level time performed on switch currently is a 4:56 (4:55.9 console time) by Cyanogen. Doesn't mean someone won't try and use Switch input handling to their advantage but I would also guess most submissions which are not either console or emu, are on Switch, so it would be majorly unfair to ban people to the most accessible means to play SMB1 on a modern Nintendo platform.
Following Twitch’s announcement regarding the 100-hour storage limit for Highlights, the SMB1 mod team recommends that runners reupload any previously submitted Twitch highlights to a permanent video hosting website (e.g., YouTube) and resubmit any submissions labelled as "at-risk".