New Category suggestion
7 years ago

Hi can I suggest a category for the Download Content maps (DLC). S Rank Nightmare Log speedrun.

I tried some speedruns for Nightmare Log DLC maps. I used Robin in nearly all of them on the PC. The DLC maps come with 2 options for the same maps, an easier Dream Log and a more difficult Nightmare Log. I used the Nightmare Log and tried to speedrun with the qualifier of getting and S-Rank as fast as possible to make it harder.

I found speedrunning without aiming for S Rank was pointless because it wasn't really a challenge and you didn't have to think about the best routes getting the most efficient K.O. counts along the way etc. It was more fun this way to me anyway. Here are the times.

Nightmare Log DLC Maps:

DLC Map Title | Time | Character Used

The Surgeon of Life and Death | 14'09"49 | Garp Alls Quiet on East Blue | 07'27"47 | Robin (Time Skip Version) Davy Back Fight | 09'05"45 | Robin (Time Skip Version) Heroes of the Coliseum | 16'56"16 | Robin (Time Skip Version) Paramount War | 11'12"72 | Robin (Time Skip Version) Pirate Mega-Showdown | 18'31"11 | Robin (Time Skip Version) Sky Island Treasure Hunt | 06'55"15 | Robin (Time Skip Version) The Decent and Dutiful | 06'16"76 | Robin (Time Skip Version) Whitebeard vs Sun Pirates | 13'33"13 | Robin (Time Skip Version) World Government Mega-Showdown | 08'18"98 | Robin (Time Skip Version)

Internal Timer shown at end of each map on the results.

The playlist is here:

There might be some other videos in the playlist that are just showing gameplay. Those are titled without "World Record".

FinalFrantasy likes this
United States

I love the idea for the this as a Misc. Category! I'll add the category but if it's going to be a segmented speedrun I'll need you to make a proper playlist with only the times you want to submit with times from each DLC stage.

Alternatively we can make this a real time run and you record it all in one go from start to finish.

Thanks for the reply. I'll make a playlist right away just with the speedrun attempts aiming for WR.

If there are any other things I need to do i'll update as necessary.

Playlist updated with new title and non-world record attempts moved:

United States

The category is set! Just tally up the total time and submit your playlist where it asks for the video link in the S-Rank Rush section whenever you're ready.

If you have any questions or want me to make any changes please message me or post them here!

Edited by the author 7 years ago
United States

I like this idea cause I like doing Dream log but no way to run it cause of how random it is for the most part. Will be trying some runs in a bit for fun :D If Nightmare Log is gonna be included shouldnt Dream Log be as well?

FinalFrantasy likes this
United States

I like where your head is. :') I'd add the category but I'm not sure if anyone would actually run it.

United States

The DLC is at least the same compared to the rest of the log at least. Would be more far but I wouldnt mind running both at the very least.

United States

I'll add it~ No harm in having more options!

United States

Thank you! I will gladly run them within the next week

FinalFrantasy likes this
United States

Oh...and one more thing..I noticed I do not have two of the islands and that is because they were pre-order DLC? (Davy Back Fight and Paramount War)

United States

Hmm.. Well that is quite an issue. :s Is it completely unobtainable on Playstation? The PC version at least on Steam comes with it. :o

United States

I will look and see but I do not see it unless someone can show me otherwise that has the PS4 version? I also have the disc curious to see if the downloaded version may have it

Edited by the author 7 years ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

What about Co-op Runs? Other Warriors Games like Hyrule Warriors do have Those. I personally would enjoy playing with others Locally for once.

United States

Sure~ If you've got a video of a completed coop run I'd gladly add the category. :D

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Good to know and hear, i'll do one net time i get to Hang with my Bro ^^

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Can we make it in a Playlist on YouTube like the Nightmare Log DLC Run so that our Ingame Completion Times count? Because it could proof nasty when you forget to confirm the second Player what u always have to do before the Run Starts.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

So i finally did it and got all the Videos Up. My Internet Connection isnt the best here at Home but i did it non the less. Our final Time is 3 hours, 52 Minutes, 24 Seconds and 35 Miliseconds.

Here is a link to the Playlist i made:

I regocnize that we are indeed slower then a Single Guy in the New Game+ Category but it was always just a single Run per Map and i look forward to improve on these Times. When i do so can i then just Swap the Videos and write here about the Updates or do i add the Run then to the Playlist?

But with that i wish you a good Day.

FinalFrantasy likes this
United States

I added the category under Misc.! Feel free to submit it there. :0) Gonna let you do that so you can fill in your partner's username and whatnot.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Yes just saw that thank you very much there is just one thing, we did the run on the Switch Version and the Switch aint an Option to pick from at the moment. Sry to bother you again. "^^

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