[Mobile] Question About Apps and Proof
3 years ago
United States

Is there no restriction on the app/program that's used so long as it's "Spider Solitaire"? Seems like a pretty meaningless game to run then if everyone can just play whatever is the fastest/allows single tap moves by default/etc.

Also, what is with the new Easy - Mobile run? It's not Microsoft Solitaire Collection, it's not even recorded gameplay, and it's just the results screen. Is that what we're saying is good enough for proof now just basically screenshot the results? Should I just re-submit my runs with a screenshot of the "Best Time"? As someone who records their entire run starting with the "New Game" button and even showing the settings at the end, I don't even know why I bothered lol. I could have just downloaded some random app and submitted the results screen and saved myself a lot of time.


SebastianRico likes this
United States

Good news, I downloaded the app and tied the WR. It took almost 10 minutes but, I submitted a video of the results screen as proof and you can view the run here.

If anyone else wants to improve their times the Brainium Spider Solitaire app has:

  1. "Single Tap to Move" built-in by default

  2. You don't need a card in every pile before dealing

The setting is called "Strict Mode" and is disabled by default

  1. The difficulties don't match the Microsoft Solitaire Collection

Difficulties are 1 Suite, 2 Suite, and 4 Suite

  1. All cards that are "movable" are highlighted

The setting is called "Show Movable" and is enabled by default

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Dolnośląskie, Poland

Single Tap to Move is not allowed. Please check the rules. Also, I know that runs like this are being verified and generally, this leaderboard is a complete mess, but I (don't know if the other moderators too) will try to fix it. Nevertheless, thanks for information what other things should be banned after the rules change.


OG Spider Solitaire (1998)! Takes me back to dial-up and bulky monitors. Classic game, for sure. If you're feeling nostalgic and want to relive those days, there are a bunch of ways to play Spider Solitaire these days. The good ol' Windows version might be gone but not forgotten, but you can find it online for free on sites. Tons of mobile apps let you play Spider Solitaire on the go – perfect for when you need a quick mental break. Some are free, and some have in-app purchases, so you just gotta shop around and find one that fits your style. Though, I gotta say – while Spider solitaire is great for a mindless distraction, there are some other solitaire games out there that offer a bit more challenge. Whatever keeps your brain sharp and your stress levels down.

Edited by the author 9 months ago
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