Ruling Changes
5 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

All of the No Reset categories for this game have had their rules changed.

As of 5/9/2019, the following is now in effect:

100-Level No Reset: Only one mistake is allowed per level. If two or more mistakes are made on any level, you must start a new level immediately. This can only happen a total of five times. If it happens more than five times, you must start a new run.

All Infinite Level categories that allow resets: Instead of losing the run if you make two or more mistakes on one level, instead, upon making the second mistake, you MUST start a new level and the previous level does not count as completed.

The reasoning behind each change:

No Reset category changes: This rule was added to ensure that people are playing the game as intended without being able to just click on every single cell of every single level to complete each level without much effort. Instead, you must now play the game as it was intended by the developers. The additional chances you get on the 100-Level NR category was added because of the length.

Reset category changes: The previous ruling of losing the run if you make two or more mistakes on any level of the run is, in my opinion, asinine and ridiculous. Instead, I think that this compromise between the old ruling of losing the run, and a possible ruling of allowing all levels to be completed regardless of the number of mistakes made on it really allows for the good things from both rulings to apply.

As always, if you disagree with any of the ruling changes made, feel free to leave a message here and if you have any questions, feel free to ask a moderator.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Utrecht, Netherlands

Perhaps theshadedmaster or me weren't precise enough in the ruling, but I always thought that the ruling you described here in reset categories were already enforced. Also I like your extra ruling in the no reset categories. :D

Razorflame likes this
Wisconsin, USA

As of 5/26/19, the following rule changes are in place globally:

  1. All runs that included milliseconds were retimed to remove these milliseconds. The time remains the same, just without the added milliseconds included in the time. This leads into the next point, which is that all runs no longer require milliseconds to be added to the time. The reason for this change is that I find that it is not really required at this point in time as we neither have the player-base, nor the competitiveness, nor the highly optimized times that I feel are required to need to enforce this ruling.
  2. All runs must be done with the original game audio. The reason for this change in ruling is to make it easier to detect people that are splicing runs together.
  3. All runs must have a LiveSplit Timer running. The reason for this change is to make it harder to splice runs together.
  4. Category Naming: All categories have had the hyphens in their names removed to allow for much easier naming conventions.
  1. 15 Level No Reset and 20 Level No Reset: These two categories have had their rules changed once more. You are now no longer able to make more than one mistake on any level or you will have to start a new run. This is done after much research on my part and some of the runs that have come in that have proven to me that allowing for one lapse for these two shorter categories is not necessary.
Edited by the author 5 years ago
Utrecht, Netherlands

Agreed with all rulings. Rule 5 is harsh, but I completely agree. On the later levels a player can just skip a very hard puzzle and save tons of time.

Razorflame likes this
Wisconsin, USA

One final ruling change, and I don't know why this wasn't already enabled, but emulators are now banned. This is a PC game, so there should be no need for emulation.

Wisconsin, USA

One thing that I forgot to mention about the 5/26/19 ruling change: All runs done before the ruling change are grandfathered into these ruling changes. No runs will be removed from the boards that did not follow these new ruling changes.

The only runs that will be removed due to these changes are those that do not include video proof. Any runs on these boards that do not include video proof will be removed, but seeing as all of the runs that I have seen on this board include video proof, I do not think there will be any removals at this point in time.

Wisconsin, USA

As of 4/20/20, the following changes have been made:

50 Levels No Reset and 100 Levels No Reset have had their rules changed to remove the "continue system" that they used to have and make it purely about execution. If you make more than 1 mistake on any level during either of these runs, you will have to do a new run.

The reason for this change is because there is too much potential for abuse with the old rule system.

Furthermore, as of 4/20/20, all of the rules have had general game rules removed and consolidated into the "Game Rules" section of the rules, and every category has had the "All game rules apply" added to their rules. What this means is that all of the current game rules must be followed for every category.

One final thing: 100 Infinite Levels has been marked as Miscellaneous.

Wisconsin, USA

Regular Infinite Level categories and No Reset categories should be considered separate leaderboards, and runs submitted to both should only have the No Reset run verified. No Reset runs should not be verified on the regular Infinite Level categories to keep the two categories separated.

Wisconsin, USA

With the addition of the new Hard Mode for level generation, there will need to be changes made to the leaderboards. I will be figuring out how to make this change without losing any of the already submitted runs. For the purposes of the leaderboards, all runs submitted and verified up until today's date will be considered "Normal" runs.

I have gone through and edited every run on the leaderboards to give the difficulty of Normal and set up the sub-categories for both Normal and Hard difficulties. I have also added the rule that you must show that you are playing on Hard Mode before you start a Hard Mode run.

Hard Mode runs for 100% and Any% are not allowed since they don't exist!

Edited by the author 4 years ago
mathgrant likes this
Georgia, USA

Considering running the game, but see a potential unfair advantage in the non-no-reset runs. I have a laptop with a touch screen that would allow me to hit "menu-exit-random seed-generate" a lot faster and more accurately than I would be able to do with just my mouse. I'd love to utilize that in my run, but seems like I'm using something outside the game to my advantage as well. Would love to know if using touch screens is explicitly for or against the rules.

Razorflame likes this
Wisconsin, USA

Given that using a touchscreen in addition to a mouse would give an unfair advantage over those that only use a mouse, I believe that mouse only is the only allowable control scheme one can use for this game.

Mogule likes this
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