category idea
2 years ago

maybe there can be a "small fire mario%" where you get small fire mario as fast as possible? idrk but maybe it can work out

Potapoo12 likes this
Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Finland

For me That would be a great idea. But Dont know about other People. Also I had an idea of a category called All stars 8-4 il. Beat the last level of the All stars release of SMB as quickly as possible.


The mods aren't accepting any new category ideas btw. However, all stars 8-4 il is a very good idea imo, but yeah category ideas won't be accepted.

sup3rlitluigi and Potapoo12 like this
Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Finland

Well, good to know

sup3rlitluigi likes this
Longmont, CO, USA

Do you know why they are not accepting new categories? Wouldn't adding new ones possibly bring more attention to the game/runs? I totally understand they aren't and if there is no reason, that is cool too.


the game doesn't need more attention. Also, they said it a couple times that they aren't adding new categories in the main Discord server

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11x Categories - New Timing Method

Hey Folks!

Just wanted to announce a new change to timing methods for both 11x categories. The new timing standards are as follows:

  • Timing starts from power-on/reset (or game select if you're using one of the combo cartridges).
  • Timing ends on grabbing the axe on the 11th run.
  • Time betw
1 year ago
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